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About the Author: TechRadar


  1. including the boot time decreases the informational value of this test. I never reboot my iPhone. As I see it, the 950 is an interesting phone:-)

  2. Guys the true winner is Sony. Check these results

    Boot up
    13 sec iphone
    16 sec samsung s6
    29 sec LG
    36 sec Lumia
    41 sec sony

    1:29 samsung s6 1:29 to 2:26:24 = 57:24 sec
    Calculated = 89 sec
    Adding 57:24 sec from 1.Lap to 2.lap
    Added = 146:24 sec
    Minus Boot up = 146:24 – 16 = 130:24 = 2:17 min

    1:40 iphone 1:40 to 2:20:25 = 40:25 sec
    Calculated = 100 sec
    Adding = 40:25 from 1.Lap to 2.Lap
    Added = 140:25 sec
    Minus Boot up = 140:25 – 16 = 1:27:15 sec = 2:12 min

    1:53 LG 1:53 to 2:31:15 = 38:15 sec
    Calculated = 113 sec
    Adding = 38:15 sec from 1.Lap to 2.Lap
    Added = 151:15 sec
    Minus Boot up = 151:15 – 29 = 1:22:15 = 2:03 min

    2:16 Sony 2:16 to 2:51:15 = 35:15 sec
    Calculated = 126 sec
    Adding = 35:15 sec from 1.Lap to 2.Lap
    Added = 161:15
    Minus Boot up = 161:15 – 41 = 1:20:15 sec = 2:00 min

    2:31 Lumia 2:31 to 3:36:29 = 65:29 sec
    Calculated = 151 sec
    Adding = 63:29 sec from 1.Lap to 2.Lap
    Added = 216:29
    Minus Boot up = 216:29 – 36 = 180:29 sec = 3:00 min

  3. Am I right thinking the 3 ram phones should of been faster than the 2 ram on iPhone? It's seems that Apple makes most of what it's got and does best possible where other phones don't.

  4. Can't wait to see the Nexus 6P wreck everything. Sucks that Samsung screwed the pooch with its horrid ram management. It's almost like it only has 512 megs of ram. It has to reload everything. If you switch out of an app and don't come back for 5 minutes, reload. If you go to a website and leave the a minute to send a text and check facebook then come back; reload. If it weren't for that mindless decision my S6 Active wouldn't feel so stupid slow. So frustrating!!!!!!!

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