Attention Nintendo Fans! Today we are going to check out a fanmade VR project that takes place in the world of Hyrule. A guy by the name of Aklar_45 decided …
Attention Nintendo Fans! You can now become Link and save the Princess in Virtual Reality! Here's my First Look at this fanmade Zelda VR project. Enjoy!
Link will be in the description…ha!
How do I get this I need it
Its really impressive that a single person can do this in this day and age. But something i do dislike is the artstyles most of these fan "remakes"/ fangames in unreal go for. They always go for the "realistic textures" on everything. Like the shield "Its metal so its shiny, and lets add a rust-ish texture too so its not all perfect looking" it just ends up looking like its glazed in some primer or something. While if you'd go the route of the projects like Majora's mask 64 getting retextured with high quality textures. It looks GREAT it keeps the art style. because its just recreating the textures at a higher fidelity or even taking inspiration from both concept art and 3ds version to make something new but still FEELS like it works and its the same game you played back in that n64. Just better looking and not no muddy pixelated textures. Just crisp hd.
But then here, you know its zelda because "hey its the master sword" or "hey its the hylian shield" but it doesnt 100% feel like it because of how its shaded. You can tell it is but thats just a testament to the great design work put into them originally and how iconic they are.
2018 Nathie: "imagine a full Zelda game in VR" 2019 Nintendo: "Nintendo Labo VR for Zelda BOTW!"
looks like the initial Zelda U demo!
Faake your fucking Vr Zelda gooo home
no download links?
It looks like wiiu tech demo
How the hell do you play this on the vive, the vive won't let you do anything besides either play a steam VR game or play a game in 2D off the screen in theatre mode.
it would be so awsome with a full vr version of ocarina of time :O
What do I need to run it?
Edit: My 1060 worked just fine! The game runs like butter! Seriously one of the funnest experiences I've had.
I wish you could transform into his wolf like in the game!?
Awesome video and am dying to try it out! I went to the channel and downloaded the Rar file in the video descriptions. But how do I actually use it to run the game? Not sure what to do with this rar file
Regardless if you're console or PC, you're still buying stuff in order to play the newest game. Can't play game? get a new console, can't play a newest game? buy new PC parts.
You sound like Roomie
dreams come true!!! I need of this game!!!
Get CryZenX on this.
OMG is it working on windows mixed reality ?
Man it would be great if I could play this sitted. I tried and I start sunk in the ground, no amount of calibration fix it hahaha! Dammit!
i couldnt play this. im afraid of spiders i cringe at the very sight it would be impossible
Play roblox in vr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow. I wish there were something like this for the Gear VR as well. That looks awesome.
This won't last long.
Miss Galaxy drop the Zelda name and start concentrating on making a game, this game looks awesome
Hello nathie: This Zelda fan made project which can be played on a flat monitor or in VR looks awesome either way showing it off in VR becoming the main character link is awesome. It definitely lends itself to the possibility of a full-fledged game in the future. As far as we should play next a game called the slopes here is the link have a great afternoon
Attention Nintendo Fans! You can now become Link and save the Princess in Virtual Reality! Here's my First Look at this fanmade Zelda VR project. Enjoy!
Link will be in the description…ha!
How do I get this I need it
Its really impressive that a single person can do this in this day and age. But something i do dislike is the artstyles most of these fan "remakes"/ fangames in unreal go for. They always go for the "realistic textures" on everything. Like the shield "Its metal so its shiny, and lets add a rust-ish texture too so its not all perfect looking" it just ends up looking like its glazed in some primer or something. While if you'd go the route of the projects like Majora's mask 64 getting retextured with high quality textures. It looks GREAT it keeps the art style. because its just recreating the textures at a higher fidelity or even taking inspiration from both concept art and 3ds version to make something new but still FEELS like it works and its the same game you played back in that n64. Just better looking and not no muddy pixelated textures. Just crisp hd.
But then here, you know its zelda because "hey its the master sword" or "hey its the hylian shield" but it doesnt 100% feel like it because of how its shaded. You can tell it is but thats just a testament to the great design work put into them originally and how iconic they are.
2018 Nathie: "imagine a full Zelda game in VR"
2019 Nintendo: "Nintendo Labo VR for Zelda BOTW!"
looks like the initial Zelda U demo!
Faake your fucking Vr Zelda gooo home
no download links?
It looks like wiiu tech demo
How the hell do you play this on the vive, the vive won't let you do anything besides either play a steam VR game or play a game in 2D off the screen in theatre mode.
it would be so awsome with a full vr version of ocarina of time :O
What do I need to run it?
Edit: My 1060 worked just fine! The game runs like butter! Seriously one of the funnest experiences I've had.
I wish you could transform into his wolf like in the game!?
Awesome video and am dying to try it out! I went to the channel and downloaded the Rar file in the video descriptions. But how do I actually use it to run the game? Not sure what to do with this rar file
Regardless if you're console or PC, you're still buying stuff in order to play the newest game. Can't play game? get a new console, can't play a newest game? buy new PC parts.
You sound like Roomie
dreams come true!!! I need of this game!!!
Get CryZenX on this.
OMG is it working on windows mixed reality ?
Man it would be great if I could play this sitted. I tried and I start sunk in the ground, no amount of calibration fix it hahaha! Dammit!
i couldnt play this. im afraid of spiders i cringe at the very sight it would be impossible
Play roblox in vr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow. I wish there were something like this for the Gear VR as well. That looks awesome.
This won't last long.
Miss Galaxy drop the Zelda name and start concentrating on making a game, this game looks awesome
You should do the last garden in vr
Yes nathie thank you
Early bird sqaud!
I just tried this, it is really really hard… Dx
Nathie test my FAN game Gears of War VR…
Plsss play sprint vector
Hello nathie:
This Zelda fan made project which can be played on a flat monitor or in VR looks awesome either way showing it off in VR becoming the main character link is awesome. It definitely lends itself to the possibility of a full-fledged game in the future. As far as we should play next a game called the slopes here is the link have a great afternoon
What’s up with the gelled hair recently?
Dutch power