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About the Author: IGN


  1. The ending was amazing …..and the show doesnt have much action so people looking for action look somewhere else…. its a brilliantly unique comicbook show with really rich themes more character driven than action oriented ……

  2. I’ve read the first 300 hundred pages of the comic and watched the first episode and i think it’s just ok. Homelander is great. Butchers ok. I think it interpreted the comic better in the opening episode than Preacher did. Seth Rogan seems to jump around continuity when adapting Garth Ennis work but the opening episode was fine. Wish they’d have Hughies first kill like they did in the comics tho. Also PLEASE do the Tek Knight arc PLEASE ??☄️

  3. I like it but i dont understand a couple of things
    In comics hughie and the others got compound v in their body and were hired by the C.I.A to keeps supes under control
    Why dodnt they let simon peg play hughie cause he looks just like the character in the comics
    Exept for these things everything was great

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