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About the Author: IGN


  1. Dont get me wrong, Natalie portman was arguably in my top 10 most beautiful actress of all time and I've been watching her since leon/heat to this day but she really didn't age very well and look very bad compared to Chris or that Valkyrie chick, i wished the re cast new jane foster

  2. WTF last flic was awesome.Just want much more normal thor with this director.Maybe do this after 10 more great thor movies.With this director it gives me some hope but jane is a small pretty eartlin not what comes to mind when pictureing thor.Why not the actress from the last movie?100 times more thor like!

  3. Didn’t she say that she wasn’t going to make any more Thor movies?? Idk but I think she’s is a bad fit for the character.

  4. This was the best news I heard coming out of Comic Con. It's based on the comics and Natalie is an amazing actress so I'm really curious why people are angry about this.

  5. I wish they got another character to play Thor than Jane. Natalie Portman hasn't been interested and I think even wanted to leave Marvel after Thor 2. Now that Thor ragnarok and endgame and infinity war made Thor such a huge success she wants to come back.

  6. Hope this movie turns out to be amazing I’m sure it will ….. last thumbnail I saw of this wasn’t Jane foster it was something

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