Longtime Remedy Entertainment writer Sam Lake sat down to discuss his unexpected career, from how helping a friend led to writing Max Payne, creating Alan …
Longtime Remedy Entertainment writer Sam Lake sat down to discuss his unexpected career, from how helping a friend led to writing Max Payne, creating Alan …
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What a legend and great guy. I love all their games including Death Rally which was amazing fun when i was growing up. I cannot wait to try Control and i hope its not epic store exclusive on PC.
Shawn laden Shuhei Yoshida Jim Ryan GO for IT now + bring remastered Version to ps4 /Ps5 and marketing should be exclusive like Death stranding and Spiderman
Ah hell yeah. 1 hour of Sam Lake.
C'mon remedy, just join sony
I hope Control is a success! I'm sure I will commit to it, pre-ordering next week
I was compelled to give Vlad his gun back… one bullet at a time.
I got chills just from looking at Max Payne talking and not shooting haha? Ryan, great job! As always!????
Sam is almost 50, he doesn't look that age at all. He's still the same ol Max Payne to me.
Sam lake needs to become Max Payne again for Max Payne 4 or a reboot
This was such an enjoyable talk. Very exciting and inspiring.
Director is a fan of Dark Souls and the Writer is a fan of Lynch Films…Thats a great combination.
Yes, Alan Wake 2
Dont forget the Quantum Break 2
I'm from Finland as well and I learned English by watching films like Harry Potter and playing trough Metal Gear Solid games as a kid.
Sam Lake for Max Payne 4 please!
Why does he look like Max Payne. They should've used this guy for the movie.
I don't play Xbox since almost 2 years but if Alan Wake comes back, I would play again video games.
'cause I get bored of the same repetitive new games.
He is such a legend! How many game designers can say that they are the face of the superheroes that they have created? It must have been a bit trippy to talk to him and not hear the quotes from the first Max Payne game.
i like his accent
<3 IGN UNFILTERED <3 Thank you so much yet again Ryan
Max Payne 4
Sam Lake and Remedy are absolutely amazing
That fake laugh though
Max ??
Your face makes me happy
I'm still waiting this guy to say "Hydraulic Press Channel"…
I can only hope one fine day, Alan Wake 2 becomes a reality. Shame on you Microsoft for not funding an incredible sequel, money should not be everything in an artistic medium. Not to mention the game when well marketed could sell very well.
Alan Wake Remake for XBO and PS4 please! And Alan Wake 2 of course!
He's 50 next year!! WOAH.
That wasn't awkward at all
Who's Sam Lake?
Hey look its Max Payne!
Sam Lake is a badass
I realeased my finger from the trigger
Remedy has now epic control for their works….
dudddeee alan wake 2
"So much for being subtle."
Alan wake with these new engines and stuff will be so cool
49:57 ( Sam lake on Alan Wake 2)
Why oh why did they redesign Max Payne for the sequels? Whenever I see this guy I think Max Payne. He's just too iconic.
"Ladies and Gentlemen it's the Payne in the butt."
"Pain to the Max!" Gunshots
Oh the memories. We need more Max Payne!
"Have no fear, Vlad is here"
Remaster Max Payne and Max Payne 2 with modern graphics and physics.
54:36 Alan Wake 2 Confirmed!
Give me Alan Wake 2, please, I need it.
Alan Wake 2 > Half Life 3
Give us alan wake 2 already