All the Doc moments from the tourney! ♢ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drdisrespect/ ♢ Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrDisRespect ♢ Twitch: …
All the Doc moments from the tourney! ♢ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drdisrespect/ ♢ Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrDisRespect ♢ Twitch: …
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home girl with the Gucci belt speechless when the Doc speaks his truth.
Content right there, Awesome work by the two time and Devin Booker, huge 3s
So many egos?, and I'm not talking about the Doc
plays it safe.. dies in 5 minutes
plays it aggressive … dies in 3 minutes
2xtime !
Not gonna lie, doc's coop with Devin was crazy af
That's cuz dr. Disrespect sucks at Apex Legends. Really tho he is good at other games.
I want those glasses
it looks like he's 2.5m tall.
He and the players have something in common. They both cheat on their wifes
Got no time for minute men!
Next up: Kenny Omega vs Dr Disrespect for the World Heavyweight Championship.
which team won the last round?
Where is aculite????
Did he win the 3rd???????
how could u play like that while everyone behinds sees ur screen !
game name?
black beauty behind doc <3<3<3<3
Excuse me but i don't think gaming is a sport
Not so fast! Club of Champions, this is not a joke! Doc make them hurt!!!?
Why not show last match. Wtf?
I can beat these poseurs
I'm getting why you are popular. I dont get why you are promoting the death of gaming. Fortblegh Apextrash ,pubshit,fallout 76 etc are all examples of money beats skill. Sorry 2 time. Not you are you a gamer or a dbag looking for subscribers. Apex is a hacked game. Yippe you all played on a lan. Blackout is retarted. You never play it yet i bought the game after your promo. Technically i could sue you. I'm purty sure bo4 is thinking of it. Marksman died his hair. Lol. It's fortnite. Ran by kids under twelve ruined by dbag adult streamers. Pathetic. Apex is a trash game and that was the espy bullshit? What the fuck ever.