If you’ve watched the Stranger Things Season 3 finale, check out our spoiler-filled breakdown of the post-credits scene featuring David Griffin, Jacki Jing, and …
If you’ve watched the Stranger Things Season 3 finale, check out our spoiler-filled breakdown of the post-credits scene featuring David Griffin, Jacki Jing, and …
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Hoover jump to upside down before explosoin
I hope it’s Hopper
Hopper is still alive. That’s it.
Jonathan and Nancy are my favorite characters…. who the hell gave this bozo a job?
So, this is my theory:
When Joyce is about to close the gate, Hopper looks in a really doubtful way at the portal, and I suppose these are his thoughts: I can stay here and face certain death or jump in the portal and see what happens; he has definitely gone for the second. So he’s been in the other world for a long while, and when he spotted the portal that Russians opened, he went in; then Russians took him, and probably didn’t sacrifice him due to his experience in the other world. Comment below and tell me if you think the way I do as well.
Maybe in Russia like Alexie said with the different places they tried to open it the other kids that have powers are there or maybe in the other states in the US
Brennen was a projection from Kali. As for the Russians having an American prisoner, It's Hopper, they found him in the upside down in Russia or another "soft spot"
i feel dirty now. huge cliffhanger
Stranger Things was originally supposed to be an anthology soo…
Finally, my wish became true. Eleven and Will are living together.
I feel bad for max because she loses Billy
“Not the American” its 90% hopper trust me, i mean thats just how post credit scene work
My money is on Hopper being the American prisoner too ..!
When I heard not the American I was like it gotta be hopper.
What if the American man referred to in the post credit is hopper and the Russians had a gate and found him in there
Presumably hopper managed to jump to the gate before the machine blew up
I mean when the machine blew up the first time there where piles of clothes and blood form the scientists there was nothing where hopper was
It was hopper. If you go back and look at the scene where he 'died' as soon as wills mum turned the key he disappeared. And seconds before he can been seen glancing at the gate behind him
Ok but how is the demogorgon alive if it’s cut off from the upside down??? Am I just confused????????
i think it was hopper bc when all the other people died from the machine thing they turned to goop and when hopper “died” there is no residue so maybe he jumped into the gate bc the one of the last shots of him is him looking at the gate as if deciding something then he looks back at joyce
It looks different from the demorgorgan because all artwork from stranger things is when it's burnt after jonathan sets it on fire
guys it cant be hopper if the other people was in the area and tried to get him they would had died.
I think that the demagorgan is actually dart because they have the same skin color and no other demagorgan has that skin color
Just want to let everyone know my theory. (Could be absolutely wrong)
Hopper dies (we don’t see it).. the others have to leave in a hurry which means nobody got to search the area properly for his body or remains.
3 months later we see a Russian prison where one of them says “not the American”, I don’t know about anyone else but I feel like that is obviously hopper. (They refer to hopper as the “American” all season)
Another point Is now they have a demogorgon which means they would have had connections to the underground fort.
It’s a stretch but hopper could have also jumped into the upside down….
Better be hopper. I’m still heart broken
There's another gate:
Eleven: AW crap, here we go again.
The American is hopper!!
He jumped in the crack just before the explosion.
The crack also functions as a portal to the Russian place my theory is that all the russian soldiers came through that way also!!
I reckon it's Eleven's Dad, but Hopper and the other Russians are actually in the upside down.
HOPPER is alive guys…. In S04 teaser "no … Not the American"
maybe hopper jumped into the portal and stayed in the upside down and the russians found him in theyre own gate idk its just a theory
Stranger Things 4 confirmed
Also Stranger Things does need a spin-off that gives more story to Kali, Dr. Brenner, Dr. Owens, and the Russian side of things. 8 episodes should help build up to the season 4 finale.
I agree, it's definitely Hopper, because he looked at that portal like I have 2 options stay and die or see what's in there an hope for the best.
I don't know what I'm doing here. I've never even seen Stranger Things
If bob is alive i would cry so hard because he was one of my favorite characters of season 2 and there was a teaser on the instagram of netflix that a drawing of bob was there (also in the third season) but what if he got stuck just like Will in season 1
Who has already watched the full season?