Did you get a chance to come to the MultiGP Sebring Expo? If you didn’t, here is a great recap of the first big race of the season!
Congrats to all the pilots, volunteers, and vendors who came out to make this race a huge success. Please stay tuned to see more of what happens to Jordan Temkin and the DASH jet with Scott Farnsworth at the controls.
Круто тоже попробовал бы там топнуть??
4:22 what frame is that? The green one on the end
Where the fuck is charpu and steele
What is the music at 4:02 please ?
awesome event
These kids are too good. Some of us got into FPV after our teen years and our thumbs just aren't that fast. And I have to buy my own parts.
Great coverage guys! –
Good recap but no interview with Thomas?
Thomas has been head hunting beast
Omg so mind blowing and amazing hope I can be at the next one!!!!
2h of dvr review sound like fun lol
Nice edit!
Did JET give the guy a quad with props on wrong? Jeez
WOW ?That was fun to watch… ?
super nice recap, well done video.
Can anyone beat thomas? Lol nope!
Watch out merica he is coming for all your money
How do I join one of these races? What do I need to do to qualify for a spot?
I pilot a 240 class drone with 8000kv brushless motors. Is mine even allowed or is it too powerful/fast to be fair?
Nice. ?
Hope to be good enough to attend a race myself soon.
Stay tuned in…. then nothing about race jet. nice
great video – but i have to admit i miss the female moderation!
4:37 BugX!!!