Without fail, I get asked this question almost daily. Every drone in this video would be perfect for someone that wants to buy their first drone but does not want to spend plenty of $$. Pick a drone you like and watch my review of it. All reviews are posted below:
– JJRC X7: https://youtu.be/VgyPHhukDj0
– SJRC Z5: https://youtu.be/ClUFgecVWKA
– HS 700: https://youtu.be/jsoAV7VrWt0
– JJRC HERON X9: https://youtu.be/CvHhXn8Cxns
– ES11S: https://youtu.be/4qqSLJsOzuU
– SJRC F11: https://youtu.be/1WGrh4bW_do
– JJRC X8 CETUS: https://youtu.be/RDYPH6g6BbM
– MJXRC BUGS 2SE: https://youtu.be/7ymO72jsNJ0
– MJXRC BUGS 3 PRO REVIEW 1: https://youtu.be/A9YWXotvRnY
– MJXRC BUGS 3 PRO REVIEW 2: https://youtu.be/0BeZ8QNCr7I
– JJPRO X5 EPIK REVIEW 1: https://youtu.be/VjGpHhGES2s
– JJPRO X5 EPIK REVIEW 2: https://youtu.be/1nnaKnKdWyE
– MJXRC BUGS 5W: https://youtu.be/MqqRf9xtV5o
– WOLVY – REVIEW 1: https://youtu.be/i4h-vEijvPw
– WOLVY – REVIEW 2: https://youtu.be/gQVJ6Ns_2P8
Did anybody notice he is wearing watches at both hands?
Could you share your thoughts on this Tactic Air drones? https://t-official.com/
you need to have affiliate links in your description to the drones on amazon!
CAPTAIN DRONE is the man! He gives out amazing advice to all beginners trying to get their start in the drone community. He helped me choose which drone was for me. I have a new video dropping tonight on my channel and I'm looking to get a start in the youtube community. If you guys could head over and give us a like and subscribe if possible to help me in becoming a successful youtuber. My first video is already out so please go show some love and support.
Dude why make us look at every video? just put the link to buy without having to watch another video. I like your videos but man you're long winded it took 4 min to get t the meat and then you left no links with buy just your other videos.
Hi, i want a small budget drone to mount/stick/tie my Gopro 7 black. Is the MJX bugs 4w a good choice? The MJX BUGS 3 PRO is too big to put in a backpack for a trip! Thank you and greets from the Netherlands!
I have been drowned!!!
I'm in Uganda how can I receive it (Africa)
I want to buy one.price $150
Hubsans drones?
Don't let the cetus eat us!
I have a JJR/C X5 EPIK and I love the living tweedle out of it!!! 😀
Give me a Drone :'( I know ur a good person..
Best is the dji spark
The best beginner drone is still TELLO. Under 100 Euro. Spent a WiFi Extender and TelloFPV App and you got a Spark-like drone.
Do you need good wifi and can you connect it to 4g
Lol he hearted like every comment except the comment saying skip to 4:05 if you wanna skip the intro
I'm not sure many people wants to spend $200 on their first drone..
I live at 8,200 feet. Is there any particular drones that are better at altitude?
I noticed though.. all those drones you showed needs to be registered in the US were as the DJI tello and Parrot Mamba doesn't and they are perfect for beginners.
What's your thoughts on the Parrot mamba which doesn't use GPS but bluetooth for a beginner?
What would be the best inexpensive drones with a gimbal be and a 4k camera with 4k video?
Brilliant video Cap'n. Can I ask you whether a 801.11ac protocol will still work on a 4G phone? I would like the JJRC HERON X9 but cant currently afford to change my Samsung J6. Thanks again for your great videos.
This is the video with the links to individual reviews that I needed to see. Question, if a laptop can adhere to 801.11ac protocol, can a laptop be used? If not, is it because of the OS? If the OS is the issue, can something like an Android OS emulator for windows be used so that the app will work on a windows laptop?
Now that its warmer can you do another w drone review?
Dude, GET TO THE DAMN POINT. You talk too much.
I love the all drone, but i can but it, i wish one day i have it
Subscribe my channel please, thank you
A beginner drone should not have a camera. Try a Boldclash BH-03 for under $20 or even a Bugs 3 mini if you want brushless for under $80.
nice! I have a drone already and its a decent one, but i do wanna get more into drones and get more. I am a kid and i'm on a budget but this is helpful for a person like me. i wanna get a heron and a dbpower mjx x400w. I want the dbpower because i used to have it but my friend lost it. great job!
you should show some actual footage taken by those drones instead of just talking about them…
Maybe more about image quality?
good video but holy stone and low price CMON be tru to ur watchers holy stone is a good company and make good drones but LOW COST is not apart of there equation
Hi Mr.Drone! Do you have any information about Holy Stone HS700D that is shown in the Ophelia GPS aps?
Hi captain dr0ne! can it work 0n my samsung galaxy j5? Thanks for sharing…
Very good. Some ballpark prices would be nice. And I wonder if there are some particular drones – or types of drones – that one should avoid.
Love from pakistan
You are superb
best explanation ever
Hi Capain Drone where on my phone can I find if its WiFi 802. 11ac?
Me again – sorry doing sooo much research to buy my first drone, thank you so much for all your videos they are so helpful!!
My main and now final question would be, which is the best camera drone in this price range? I'm mainly interested in getting some decent photos (I know given the price range I can't expect too much but..)
Thanks in advance !
update for summer 2019: should definitely add the zino and fimi x8 se to this list. Both super cheap for 4k drones anyways. Close to the dji spark price point.
Ive just seen this one on Amazon relatively cheap : Goolsky SG906 GPS Brushless 4K Drone with Camera 5G
Any comments please?
Im going on vacation to Cuba. And because there I‘ll have little , to no internet comnection, i want to know which drones in the Same pricerange there are, that are also good but do not require internet connection to function. Would ne great if you could help me out!
What do you think of the DroneX Pro?
First drone was a gift. Parrot AR. POS, I use Android never got it too connect. They replaced it, same issue. My brothers iPhone connected everytime. So started watching videos and reading reviews. Decided to buy quality. First purchase DJI Inspire 1v2. I highly recommend it. Though MUCH pricier than those recommended by El Capitan. Probably the gold standard of drones though.
FYI, the Wolvy is over $300 on Amazon with tax and shipping.
Can someone tell me a good site to buy a drone?