Among all light sources, a smartphone is the only one at which we stare for prolonged periods and hold it too close to eyes. Hence, it puts strain on our eyes.
Among all light sources, a smartphone is the only one at which we stare for prolonged periods and hold it too close to eyes. Hence, it puts strain on our eyes.
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Make a video on :
Best way of Root canal treatment
How do I gonna watch it Vids if it makes are eyes worse
For me,yes it make my eyes tear.
Raw milk vs pasturized milk
Watching in Oled screen is not harmful Thanks to Samsung's Super Amoled displays
So keep your smartfone on night mode guys?
Who's eating this on their smart phone
Aumsum: SmartPhone is danger
We: Watching Aumsum By SmartPhone
My phone has bluelight filter
I spend all my time on devices and I don’t have bad vision.
I always like amsum video before seeing it.
Like here if you also do the same
omg!!Me such early!!!
(lol,me suchXD!!)
(It's not funny)
Phone : come here look at me for another 24 hours…. Me : nu.. Phone : COME HERE@$!$@!@$ Kills Me like if you liked my meme
Why do our eyes turn red in the water
Put that phone out! Huh
great video
I am at my phone at night
I don't have a phone?
2:32 now narrator is doing like aumsum XD
Nowadays research says that spines or horns are coming in our heads due high use of smartphones.
No body knows who are the first one to like or comment…
Wow good animation video
I'm watching this video on my smartphone
Is it really making me blind?!
Is night light and night shield are the same?
i believe so it even worse when you have SUPER AMOLED display technology and relative to OLED
No unlike
If it bad how i know it bad to good beacause i didt see aumsum
Idol world record very smart itss
Aumsam time ????????I'm a kid learning to you
I thought smartphone light is white not blue (including other devices)
Its aumsum time
ILove your method of teaching ??
Nice video
Plot twist: watching this vid using smartphone hahaha
My answer: It depends how close you look at your devices, and brightnesses. Plus how long you play your devices.
I spend most of my time using smartphone… Just to watch Aumsum videos?