Stadia’s Phil Harrison doesn’t “know why it would be cheaper.” Subscribe to IGN for more! http://www.youtube.com/user/IGNentertainment?sub_confirmation=1 …
Stadia’s Phil Harrison doesn’t “know why it would be cheaper.” Subscribe to IGN for more! http://www.youtube.com/user/IGNentertainment?sub_confirmation=1 …
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That’s a yikes from me, dawg
And the games will go the way of the Scott Pilgrim game
army of Xbox, PlayStation, and Nintendo
Nintendo: Gaming Consoles…
Joycon flies to hand
All charge at Google
Hey guys have you heard that you can play games on pc without internet
Can’t rely on an app to game on. What happens when a thunderstorm or high winds and the WiFi connection goes out. Yeah it’s a no.
I was 1000% on board for Stadia when they announced. And I believed it to be the subscription and games are free… this news made me not want it. Bummer
If the games are full price, no thanks!
They need a download feature, ps4 needs it too for ps now. I dont mind only having the game only during my sub. As long as it doesnt have to fluctuate bcus of Cox being trash.
I will stick to my unreleased ps5
Thanks, i’ll pass
Canceled my order two weeks ago
No thanks Google. I will stick to my console.
What a joke
Google should have went the console route and make a physical platform rather than intangible.
Hard pass. I like owning things I buy, thanks!
Can we play offline? Does anybody know?
Oh wait you guys are serious ????
Failed before its released lol
Ouch. I was super excited until I heard this.
And I’m out
That’s if anyone buys a stadia
Why would the games be cheaper? We’re already getting free, unlimited access to stadia hardware just for existing in proximity to WiFi. But many of us somehow feel further entitled to a discount on all games just for using Stadia? You guys know devs set their own game prices, right? Why would they be cheaper on stadia, where they’re arguably more convenient to access? People are genuinely lost about how this whole thing works.
This gonna flip so fuckin hard
Welp bye bye Stadia!
That will change when no one signs up for it
Annnnnnnnnd there it is
Google smoking crack.
PC, now and forever.
What?!?!? I don’t know if I’m sold now. Bummer
Google Stadia is an already flop project before it launches. Does google think that gamers are desperate and have no other gaming sources?
Who ever is concerned & working on this project should leave his tower and get into the market to understand the nature of the competition in the gaming industry!!
It feels like those who developed this plan think of themselves the saviors of the gaming industry ? and that gamers are waiting for them to ditch every other gaming source to give Google their money! Truly they are so out of touch with how gaming works!