Bitcoin BREAKS above the $9000 Resistance. Huge movements in politics: US – China Trade War, HK Protests, Italy potentially leaving the EU – mean that we need a currency thats borderless and free from government !! I’m dollar cost buying Bitcoin.
#Bitcoin #Cryptocurrency #BTC
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I’m not a professional financial adviser and you should always do your own research. I may hold the cryptocurrencies talked about in the video.
NEXT VIDEO : BITCOIN is HOT in China >>> https://youtu.be/U_nbRDxvNAc
?Keep your Bitcoin Safe: http://boxmining.co/ledger
Auto invest your spare change in Bitcoin and other Digital Assets when making everyday purchases! ??… https://www.roundlyx.com/
I can only imagine if countries like Venezuela had a secondary currency like btc, they probably wont be in the mess they are in now.
I've bought LTC for the halving event
Just sold bags
I'm from Cuba. In Cuba you can be in jail up to 30 years for buy or sell beef. Only a regulation harder than that in the crypto space will make me start to be afraid.
yeal can tell for me you can trigger gaszzz
I have the same money 200 one dollars bill with 1 hundred on top
I like your new still videos.
like always!! super cool brother. you are always traveling and that is the best education a man can get, visiting other countries around the world.
To be a super trader, you'll need an edge to overcome the laws of probability and the uncertainty of the marketplace. That edge comes from information flow, the ability to correct your habits in terms of the market's characteristics, and being able to learn from people who know more than you, cut losses, expand your information network, ferret out your problems, mistakes and any possible reason for losses if you are not too experienced, go in search of a mediator that would help you and enlighten you more on the trading business Mr. Gérard Barrientos is the best so far. You can reach him on gerardbarrientos6672@gmailcom or on WhatsApp +447427159640 for all your cryptocurrency investment inquiries.
Is Bitcoin Cash is equally as decentralized?
didnt you tell everyone in one of the last videos, that you sold at 7.3K because it rose too fast?
Many people seem to underestimate XMR. BTC addresses are still traceable.
FOMO stands for "Fear of Missing Out" and a FOMO trade is simply a tradeyou enter out of fear of missing the move. When a stock experiences sudden volatility, it can make sometraders very anxious.
I kinda of wish you said "make your own money" at the beginning when u did the head move and said "Im not your financial advisor"…?
Thanks man!
I remember people calling me stupid when I started investing in bitcoins… now I shut them up with my 4 figure profit weekly
I understand you are having a hard time getting the full picture of what investing in something new and disruptive like cryptocurrencies is all about.
Let me help you with this analogy.
Investing in assets is like buying a house, for the purpose of reselling one day.A wise businessman buys a house in a place he sees development is coming very soon (1-2 years and above).He sees a future where markets,businesses,residential buildings, companies and factories will one day be built in this place.
To tap in this future, he buys a house and keeps the papers.
But investing in crypto is much more exciting. This is because the wise businessman does not only foresee what is going to happen in the future, but he is already seeing the machines and tractors clearing places to commence building of markets, factories and residential buildings.It is like hearing the government announce that they are going to be moving the capital of Usa to a small town in a small state.
And not only did the government announce this, but they have started erecting buildings for prime ministries, presidential and other official residence.
What will a wise businessman do when he hears this?
He will immediately buy a house or a land in this small town.
This is the way the Cryptocurrency space is right now.Infrastructures are being built everyday, governments and banks are putting up guidelines to enable them regulate and tax it accordingly.The smart investors know this, and they are silently scooping up large quantities of cryptocurrencies.But instead of keeping receipts and certificates of ownership as the man who bought a house would do, this smart investor is keeping passwords, usernames and private keys (strings of numbers and letters).It is not late for anyone to get on this train before it leaves the station.
If it leaves the station, you will pay a higher price to get in, and you won't enjoy the journey as you would have if you had got in earlier at the station.If you are interested on how to invest, go right now contact RYAN BLUE (ryanblues7s@gmail.com)and he we teach you all it take to be an investor for free.
Do yoi still buy HKN? hahaaa
Hey Boxmining, since you believe in the power of giving without restraint or Government regulations, feel free to send some Bitcoin love my way:
I'm thinking 12k by friday????
Song @4:10?
BTC freedom
Bch is just as safe.
Or buy both lite coin and btc
Found your channel on Steemit about a year ago, then today popped up in my YT feed for the first time (y) great content and a genuine perspective
monero is functionally the best. Btc plus monero
I lost $20k too during the crash before I heard of CROW too, I have fully recovered my loss and gained close to $50k more with his strategy… Keep spreading words about him.
Tepper is reliable, honest, consistent and very experienced in bitcoin investment and advise, i highly recommend you contact him at Snr.tepper at gmail com) whatsapp @ +1 (202) 866-6783 and thank me later
ADA Cardano !
Did you all know Boxmining is dollar cost averaging!?
I bet next video he'll mention it again
Excellent video ??
Great energy ?
Bitcoin is a blast. Investing in bitcoin with Mr Steven gilbert's is the best idea a trader would do.
Rubbin my bittys as I watch this
Rare coins are the best comparison to "Bitcoin". Everyone recognises them as limited supply and thus appreciating in value over time. But only 1% recognise Bitocin as asset. That 1% who believes needed education from evangelists before they convert. It is a cult religion like MLM.
Welcome in Italy bro ? have a nice trip
We got the BEST Calamari we ever had in Venice, can't wait to go back. CRYPTOS = 1776 WORLDWIDE !!! ( Financial ) FREEDOM
What is your view on the FATF proposal pending approval at G20? It’s going to ruin our industry
This has got to be the best crypto video i have ever seen (and i have seen loads over the passed 2 years). You sum it up brilliantly Michael. have you seen bitcoin and friends?
Btc 1,000,000
Very bullish video
It stinks there
The only threat to crypto now is climate catastrophe, can humanity be trusted to nurture and heal earth or continue to exploit and poison it.
My dad was a financial adviser…. where's his Bitcoin ???
I have 1 he has None, I don't listen to to that fool!
Please donate to people with special needs at this address-12Jdw8CQbuetd5oKo9G1xquuWgWKZDtiQx
I'm absolutely 100% in crypto and BTC but would still call myself,,rookie,, so maybe I'm still affraid a lot!!!!!I love BTC and idea of freedom but can't stop thinking about governments and all those really big shots who will do anything and everything to have as many slaves as possible. I'm wondering what will they figure out to make our beautiful vision murky ?
Can I buy dildos with it?
Also you're a joke
Lots of 1s in that picture