I love how, in all the years Star Wars has existed, no one ever noticed just how sparingly the lopping off of limbs was used. This isn't a big deal, for crying out loud.
There aren't any dismemberments in any of the disney Star Wars movies, so I doubt there'll be any in this game either. Including the cut-scenes.
Disney. That is all.
But, but… I wanted to cut off some hands…. D'=
It's because they had it enough on Luke
They were to busy making sure you can only go forward and block all sides maybe in a dlc pack you can walk left en then forward again
Cut scene
I know this has nothing to do with the purpose of this video, but was this video recorded with a phone or something ? both the audio and video are kinda bad
Force unleashed 2 had limbs and pieces of armor falling when killing stormtroopers
Welp and that's why i'm passing up on this game.
I'm sure IGN is very happy that it wont be too realistic
It’s ridiculous how Di$ney has all these creativity destroying ‘canon’ requirements when the new Disney canon itself hilariously retcons itself from project to project. Every new movie, game, comic and novel contradicts the last one. So unlike during the prequel era we don’t have a ton of different creative games coming out and we don’t even have a consistent canon. The worst of both worlds. Disney and EA deserve each other.
How lame is that
Didn't the force unleashed had this feature?
LAME. Violence without appropriate repercussion does not protect children.
The game looks generic AF.
Ooof….Disney just killing the star wars franchise even more. Honestly I wish Disney never bought the right to the star wars franchise. Cause they're just milking the franchise day by day
“Dismemberment is used sparingly” you mean like every single time a Jedi faced anyone any time before the fall of the republic?
these are the same ign that were freaking out over call of duty lol
Every comment below and above in a nutshell: Its EAs and disneys fault
Y’all are saying that modern warfare is bad and to realistic and y’all want dismemberment to humans smh y’all dumbasses
Trashhhhhhhh remember the dismemberment in The Force Unleashed 2 ? smh
This game got nothing on forced unleashed
Ryan, im on your side with wanting to dismember folks, but read a physics book bro
Wouldnt it change the rating from T for teen to M mature if limbs and heads could be seen cut off?
Disney also don't allow the showing of belly buttons in their movies/shows…true fact Google it.
Hopefully we’ll get a mod
Well, according to science if an actual light saber were to touch a humanoid lifeform it would pop in a spray of blood and bones kind of like a MK fatality.
Why?! I'll tell you why……
Dismemberment DLC only $29.99
Lame, watered down,casual masked crap
You can dismember people in LEGO Star Wars… The force unleashed… Yep….
Thanks I will not buy it now
Cutting off limbs is a no go, but stabbing a guy straight through the chest though, a-okay. Weird logic.
And that's why Doom is King in this department. Come to hell, Disney.
I wanted to be able to dismember people…
Why buy the game then? That’s not realistic at all with the lore and universe. The real reason is because they want kids to buy the game. Pathetic.
At least IGN can rest easy after playing a session of this game every other night, since… ya know it would be a bit to real
PC: `cg_dismemberment 99.
Woah something that's not EA's fault don't hear that a lot these days
Disney really ?
Anyone else not really impressed by what was shown?
I love how, in all the years Star Wars has existed, no one ever noticed just how sparingly the lopping off of limbs was used. This isn't a big deal, for crying out loud.
There aren't any dismemberments in any of the disney Star Wars movies, so I doubt there'll be any in this game either. Including the cut-scenes.
Disney. That is all.
But, but… I wanted to cut off some hands…. D'=
It's because they had it enough on Luke
They were to busy making sure you can only go forward and block all sides maybe in a dlc pack you can walk left en then forward again
Cut scene
I know this has nothing to do with the purpose of this video, but was this video recorded with a phone or something ? both the audio and video are kinda bad
Force unleashed 2 had limbs and pieces of armor falling when killing stormtroopers
Welp and that's why i'm passing up on this game.
I'm sure IGN is very happy that it wont be too realistic
It’s ridiculous how Di$ney has all these creativity destroying ‘canon’ requirements when the new Disney canon itself hilariously retcons itself from project to project. Every new movie, game, comic and novel contradicts the last one. So unlike during the prequel era we don’t have a ton of different creative games coming out and we don’t even have a consistent canon. The worst of both worlds. Disney and EA deserve each other.
How lame is that
Didn't the force unleashed had this feature?
LAME. Violence without appropriate repercussion does not protect children.
The game looks generic AF.
Ooof….Disney just killing the star wars franchise even more. Honestly I wish Disney never bought the right to the star wars franchise. Cause they're just milking the franchise day by day
“Dismemberment is used sparingly” you mean like every single time a Jedi faced anyone any time before the fall of the republic?
these are the same ign that were freaking out over call of duty lol
Every comment below and above in a nutshell: Its EAs and disneys fault
Y’all are saying that modern warfare is bad and to realistic and y’all want dismemberment to humans smh y’all dumbasses
Trashhhhhhhh remember the dismemberment in The Force Unleashed 2 ? smh
This game got nothing on forced unleashed
Ryan, im on your side with wanting to dismember folks, but read a physics book bro
Wouldnt it change the rating from T for teen to M mature if limbs and heads could be seen cut off?
Disney also don't allow the showing of belly buttons in their movies/shows…true fact Google it.
Hopefully we’ll get a mod
Well, according to science if an actual light saber were to touch a humanoid lifeform it would pop in a spray of blood and bones kind of like a MK fatality.
Why?! I'll tell you why……
Dismemberment DLC only $29.99
Lame, watered down,casual masked crap
You can dismember people in LEGO Star Wars… The force unleashed… Yep….
Thanks I will not buy it now
Cutting off limbs is a no go, but stabbing a guy straight through the chest though, a-okay. Weird logic.
And that's why Doom is King in this department. Come to hell, Disney.
I wanted to be able to dismember people…
Why buy the game then? That’s not realistic at all with the lore and universe. The real reason is because they want kids to buy the game. Pathetic.
At least IGN can rest easy after playing a session of this game every other night, since… ya know it would be a bit to real
PC: `cg_dismemberment 99.
Woah something that's not EA's fault don't hear that a lot these days
Disney really ?
Anyone else not really impressed by what was shown?
Star wars episode 3 the game had dismemberment