Mark Hamill, the voice of Chucky in Child’s Play, puts the cast to the test, giving them the Ultimate Horror Quiz. How did they fare? Child’s Play Trailer Breakdown …
Mark Hamill, the voice of Chucky in Child’s Play, puts the cast to the test, giving them the Ultimate Horror Quiz. How did they fare? Child’s Play Trailer Breakdown …
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Light Bulb!! The shark in Finding Nemo is Bruce!! Mind blown.
I Just Want The Movie Out Already !
Omg I cannot wait for this movie! 3 more days!
Man I knew each one
It seems like "bing!" is the answer to all those questions
What did mark hamil mumble 2.50????
Was I the only one blown away by some of Gabriel's knowledge??? That kid knows his horror movie trivia!!!
Aubrey Plaza is so hot ????
Can't Wait For Child's Play ?
Give this man a game show! It would be so awesome, the could have celebrities duking it out in physical challenges while answers hard questions, you could call it Star…wait a second!
Youtube shadowbans ppl. You can tell.
he should've laughed like the joker in the end!?
"I haven't watched it since I was… younger" LMAO
someone needs to get the girl out who is making sound effects.
Audrey Plaza for Catwoman please. She is so awesome and funny and weird.
Can’t wait for this movie
Oh poor Mark Hamill. This was awful.
I hope this movie is great! I'll be seeing it this weekend!
I guessed all of these correctly! I'm proud of myself! Did anyone else guess them all right?
Mark Hamill is a national hero!
Stop trying censor cod mw b!tches
Mark Hamill is doing the voice of Chucky?! I may have to see this.
Mr Mark Hamill is da bomb ?
How do you know the answer?
Idk I've never watched the movie
Mark Hamill is a National Treasure
3:46 Isn't it Steven Spielberg and not Stephen?
If you fail a Jedi Master’s test, you’ve failed in life!
This reboot is doomed
Ayyee The man