?DavinciJ15 – Bitcoin Price to $20,000?
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?DavinciJ15 – Bitcoin Price to $20,000?
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WHEN Bitcoin $20,000? + Your favorite ALTCOIN ?
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Great channel..
Estimation $20K in October/early November ………wohoo
it's so cringy black DaVinci wtf man who is this guy???
This is the greatest bromance in the history of crypto.
thinking of how or where to invest your bitcoin and get double returns just simply use tbrowntrades@ g-mail . com. Yes, I have been paid by them multiple times recently and I do still invest with them. They are paying right now, I know that for a fact. Write to tbrowntrades@g-mail.com to invest and double your bitcoins daily with automatic withdrawals to your already registered wallet.
thanks guys
always looking to forward to the content
Team MMCrypto Chris and Davinchi, I watched this video twice but don't understand why the LTC buy order is at $154?
I sold some at 138-141
Wait, when da Vinci said if we break 10k we dont correct towards the trading zone anymore? And next target is 20k?
What about Tone Vays saying bitcoin is going down to $1,000 ?
A day later Litecoin trading at 144
ГонКонг….. межбанк в Гонконге ?
HKD 1 Month Hibor Rises To 2.42%; Highest Since Oct 2008 …на этом рынке самый большой пузырь в мире недвижимости…когда начнется резкий спад рынка США….. начнут девальвироваться HKD доллары, то ЦБ Гонконга вынужден будет начать повышать ставки быстрее… это вызовер разрыв пузыря на рынке акций и недвиги вот тогда из Азии злынет просто огромное кол-во денег в крипту! Все будет совместно с Brexit и падение рынка акций США + девальвация юаня!
You have a lot more experience than I do, but there's so much profit at this point to be taken in Litecoin and people are so aware of the halfening andaz trading of these markets gets more mature, we're going to hit a point where it's we already bought the rumor now we're going to sell the news. I believe it's going to start suddenly I don't know when but when it does it'll be sudden it'll be fast and it'll be steep.,
It's 4 o'clock!
Hey davinci. I know you're really busy drinking Margaretta's with Chris and going in boat cruises.? But could you do another video soon on your newest play given this new news? Thanks so much. ?
Hey Chris. Would realy appreciate this answer. Can you ask davinci at what price or
ratio to BTC would you convert from LTC to BTC? thinking if LTC pumps before halvening or continues to pump may be a good idea to convert
“No longer a double digit, digit”
if bitcoin goes to 20 k why sell ltc at 140 ? thats crazy
Few days ago these knuckleheads BTC was going down to 4000s. Now they say we going higher???
You talk TOO MUCH.
I’m tired of seeing these videos where bitcoin is going up by thousands or up to a million. None of you know what you’re talking about.
Your telegram group is not working
Bitcoin 6.666 15/06/2019
6:33 6/ 6/ 6
And…….Litecoin is $140 right now, just as DvinciJ15 predicted!
Hey. What you think? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZtB3iy8tRo
The time traveler said Bitcoin reached 100k this year. We'll see…..
Pump my muscles not my bitcoin.
As always loved the show. Cheers gentlemen.
Dynamic duo
I estimate between 17000-19000 in dec
3k by EOY 2020. In the mean time it will not go above 20k and keep hovering around 10-14k massive swings. Then few months before the halving time the use case revolution kicks in and 99% of wanna be moon boys will get rekt.
LITECOIN!! Glad I was buying when you guys WERE too AFRAID!
Thanks guys you are both the best. Love your humour and warm personalities just as much as the TA. I'm happy if it goes either way . Also wouldn't be surprised if it was 20k by the end of the year.
You guys are the best ?
EVERYONE and their dog is waiting for a pullback to load up, which makes me think it won't happen.
Are you guys going to the Litecoin Summit in Vegas this year Oct. 28th 29th?
Mike & Arnold , best Crypto-Couple ever , i love your enthusiasm . keep up the positive vibes !!
btc goes to 10k. it's obviously
Yep, $20k is possible this year.
Common sense tells me that over $20,000 this year is a definite possibility but it seems a little too good to be true.
Exciting times though!
68 yrs old joining telegram right now!!!!
moon boys
Y'all living like btc is at 150k lol
Are we really rejecting or is it the whales playing. I know around 9k we were pushed down by a whale. I don't think 20k is possible with these whales who FOMO and sell they don't let the price go up. Until the exchanges team up on their sell policy to prevent this its still going on. All the exchanges and wallets meet to meet yearly at a undisclosed location or online. At these meetings they need to agree on some policy. But that will never happen. Bitcoin has no leader. Unless someone does a go to meeting with all the exchanges next months. I've lately heard some weirdo wants to destroy bitcoin. Talk about haters out there. Something must be done. Can someone afford go to meeting. and get it going.
i am increasing my crypto portfolio