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About the Author: IGN


  1. Is it me or does it look average? I think it's because it's like they've combined mechanics from various other games with similar mechanics and put a Star wars skin on it if you like. Also the animations look too stiff and the A.I doesn't look terribly smart. Sure it's an early alpha build but I can't see it improving much for release. But, at least this game is actually being made and not Star wars battlefield I mean battlefront 3!

  2. EA is going to purposely make this game crap so that they can continue spreading their “nobody likes single player anymore” propaganda.

  3. If we're talking about actual gameplay I think it looked pretty generic. I love star wars don't get me wrong but not to warrant a pre-order just yet.
    What I'd like to see is limb dismemberment and destructive environments, imagine throwing a storm trooper through a pillar having it crumble or burst upon impact. Having the player really feel the weight and power of the force

  4. if this game is anywhere near as hard and punishing as Bloodborne I am out.

    this basically confirmed that I will be waiting for reviews on this game before I even consider purchase. too bad because I was pretty hyped for it.

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