343 has shown off the first gameplay from Halo: Reach on PC, which will be included in Halo: The Master Chief Collection for PC and is from an earlier build that …
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343 has shown off the first gameplay from Halo: Reach on PC, which will be included in Halo: The Master Chief Collection for PC and is from an earlier build that …
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Graphics look potato.
This looks amazing! I just want Matchmaking to be like it was before they did their title update to turn it into a test bed for Halo, the original Matchmaking system was the best imo.
Dude aims like he’s using a controller
I hope there won’t be that max money thing in forge like there was for the original (I don’t know if that was changed in an update or something I never had wifi when I played reach lol)
looks likes a last gen game. Not a great remaster.
Ngl it looks like 4:3 stretched
That's a big puma.
Looking forward to it.
I am very pleased and surprised to see this release on steam. Imagine if it goes to epic store kek
But why is the video in 30fps
Praise be,
Seriously can't wait for this game
Why is the video such bad quality? GIVE ME THOSE CRISP PC GRAPHICS!!
they never didn't care about split screen. They just weren't that vocal since most games didn't have by default. Now that alot of games come with it by default they started demanding it. Glad PC is getting split screen for games now
I can't wait to play this on PC
1:10 the mf Wilhelm scream
there better be double team.
Shame your footage has been recorded and then uploaded at such a low bit-rate. At least I'm assuming that's why the footage looks so poor. Still looking forward to finally playing these on PC and hopefully at 21:9.
Leave the progression system the same
They were very mysterious when it came to progression. Not very clear for a simple topic. I stg if they monetize the armors I'll be pissed
Xbox had no games now I’m deffo building a pc for next gen n getting a ps5
woah the reticle is centered
Anyone else hear SunlessKhan when he talks off camera? ?
Please no 60 fps lock
Xboners will be mad that halo is best played on steam
Black ops 3 did split screen on pc just fine
Seasonal unlocks wtf
If you bought MCC digitally on Xbox will you have to buy it again on PC for $60?
i'm mildly excited for this.
I really hope that the original few forge map variants will be available in online. I mainly just want to play on hemorrhage in BTB.
Lmao… His aim defines the reason it took so long for game to be developed
Dood seriously needs to turn his mouse sensitivity up.
Guy that's playing the game has some problems aiming and shooting a target lol
Please have native splits screen for PC players!!! And give some love to the multi monitor guys!!!!