Realism, gray morality return to Call of Duty. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Reveal Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQK3QL8ld18 Star Wars: Galaxy’s …
Realism, gray morality return to Call of Duty. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Reveal Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQK3QL8ld18 Star Wars: Galaxy’s …
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call of duty: we ran out of ideas.
Just waiting for a Steelbook version to be released then i'll be hitting that pre order button.
Yea, Modern Warfare was anything but by the 3rd installment.
It was more like Wanna Be Titanfall with movement abilities none of the gamers would ever EVER possess.
Day1 for me
Nobody cares
A reboot? Noo!
2017 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare remaster
2019 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare reboot
2021 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare rebirth
But ea says that single player games is dead
Call of Duty: 2 Modern 2 Warfare
Looking forward to playing this! The original Modern Warfare is one of my favourite games!
It's still going to be the same boring engine with the same way too fast pased gameplay. No take your time and move in togeather it's just going to be run and gun 24/7 simmulater like the rest of them..
Damn Infinity Ward really are struggling to come up with ideas huh? Ghosts and Infinite Warfare were garbage so now they are just gonna reboot a beloved series.
Can anyone explain what they mean by reboot? Like they’re basically retconing 1,2&3 and starting over, with price? Or they taking off after mw3? I’m siked either way but I just wanted to clarify.
Go to driftors channel, No Russian is nothing compared to the new campaign
Modern warfare: Am I a joke to you?
Great video.
What’s the difference between a reboot and the remaster they already released?
Call Of Money 4 ?: Modern Micro Transactions ??? …Greed …Greed Never Changes.
it is confirmed to be cross play between ps4 and xbox get your up to date facts ign
At least they rebooting the game to make a fun
Give me the most expensive version you have!
So important ,I have a item shop code : TIGER-YT
USE in FORTNITE because i will give for you a lot of gifts in FUTURE
2017: MW remastered
2019: MW
Me: Tf?
Hope this is decent enough to get me back into COD. Have a SP Campaign!!
Battlefield is still better than kiddy call of duty!!