Mortal Kombat 11’s customization options are expansive, but their delivery to the player is fundamentally flawed. Here’s how we’d address that. Mortal Kombat …
Mortal Kombat 11’s customization options are expansive, but their delivery to the player is fundamentally flawed. Here’s how we’d address that. Mortal Kombat …
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Shut the hell up
Wow ign I actually agree with you guys
Great video. I also wish you could obtain more rewards simply for levelling up your profile, instead of just '10 time krystals' every single time. Super monotonous and boring.
Remember when fighting games were just about fighting, instead of people crying that they can’t change their clothes from the start.
This is a great video and agree on all of it, I love MK11 but still some changes are needed still.
Use a turbo control
Ed boon:uses gear issues
IGN:uses online criticism
(It was super affective!!!!)
I guess these issues are for casual players. There are much more important issues to address with this game than how to score loot etc. Like character tweaks and the throw reversal inputs.
The worst part for me is when I want to do an enchanted move but I need to press a bumper button instead of a trigger button. It just doesn't feel right as Im used to playing the old games like mkx.
They need to bring back the tag team mode.
Sadly they didnt listen to our Injustice 2 concerns, so they surely wont change anything in MK11 either.
Im still lookin for erron black fatality ..and cannot wait for dlc game is fire
Playing the game to unlock things isn’t really too grindy Imo
also, make grabs like 4 frames slower. please. i’m so tired of throw-strike mixups.
Not seen this yet, but I hope they mention the fact that on local co op only player one has the fatalities, brutalities and skins unlocked not player two..
congratulations ign for making a video that can please the community
Nice ideas, especially #2.
A suggestion I would make would be, and this may sound trivial at first, but the addition of an "Initialize/Erase Save Data" feature. Especially due to the fact that the brutally hard Towers of Time needlessly messed up a lot of peoples Win Ratios and some people may want to do The Krypt over again now that the currency earning updates have been put in place.
Most of the gear ive found is for characters i dont play.
Take notes, Ed Boon
As a fellow Kitana main, I think they should buff Kitana… (and the Kahns and Dvorah)
You wrong chief. I played a bunch of injustice 2 online as sub zero and I got literally no loot other than an alternate to the default sgader
Also they need to fix that sound glitch where the audio skips like a mf when doing fatalities
I hate the fact that you cant change skins in the character select screen anymore.. used to love to have friends over at the house & we all take turns fighting the winner of the match while we try out different skins.. having to back out to main menu just to go to the customization tab is a fuckin buzz kill
I still think for honor loot system is perfect and other games should really learn with it
Compared to “Iniustice 2”, that game had a much better customization option than MK11, let alone….we can actually buy a certain skin palette that we want for each character. MK11 took a HUGE step back with its customization mode, IMO that’s very disappointing. Time Crystals don’t make it any better either.
I understand you wanting to unlock gear, skins, taunts and cinematics for your characters, but that's what the character towers are for
Me personally, I don't have a true main for now, I switch and learn characters constantly, but I recognize that Sub-Zero is my best character online.
Currently on stage 2 of:
Liu Kang
Kotal Kahn
Stage 3 of:
Noob Saibot
I grind one character platform per day because they take so much time, and the ai gets repetitive and annoying sometimes.
MK11 is great! No problems whatsoever. You should do a video on Fortnite's problems with not being about to unlock skins through gameplay so you have to buy them with real money! That to me is a much bigger concern yet you bum Fortnite so turn a blind eye to it.
Its not THAT bad. Damn dude.
Ed boon is a troll bastard.
I don't think there are going to fix this
Worst part about MK 11 there’s no armor in attack’s And the ones used on the finishing moves are just unreliable and inconsistent
Bro in the AI battle I keep getting the same gear and none of them are for characters that I use.
just grind it.
I quit this game it just got to grindy and boring for me
This Is The Mortal Kombat Character Screen List
1 Shao Kahn
2 Frost
3 Johnny Cage
4 Sonya Blade
5 Cassie Cage
6 Jax Briggs
7 Scorpion
8 Noob Saibot
9 Baraka
10 Raiden
11 Jacqui Briggs
12 Sub Zero
13 Kano
14 Kabal
15 Liu Kang
16 Kitana
17 Kung Lao
18 Jade
19 Skarlet
20 Erron Black
21 Dvorah
22 Kotal Kahn
23 Geras
24 The Kollector
25 Cetrion
Make Sure Like My Comment??????
As someone who was on the fence about buying it, this video helped.
U can skip the fights in towers of time that’s y they have skips in the game the game is grate I have no problem with it your just complaining you try making a video game for millions of people not every one is going to like the things in the game the point is to have fun
Just use the injustice 2 way of customization
Also bring back test your luck and might
Why does it need to be online why can't towers of time and the krypt be offline
Koolest kostumes are the hardest to unlock.
So it’s a total grindfest aimed to get you to pull out you’re wallet stop downplaying it
I hate how this game is grab fest. All people do is grab in this game.
I agree w this, Ive unlocked a ton of crap for characters ill never ever use.
Roster size. 24 is way too small for a modern fighter.
I appreciate this. I can't wait to play this game but I'm going to wait until they re release it with all the DLC characters like with MKxl
I still only have the starting fatality and brutality for my main and it’s very frustrating.
Excellent video ign. I really didn’t expect this quality