Cyberpunk 2077 is a ways off, here are some futuristic, neon, dystopian ways to kill time until it’s out. Cyberpunk 2077 Devs Discuss Their First Public Gameplay …
Cyberpunk 2077 is a ways off, here are some futuristic, neon, dystopian ways to kill time until it’s out. Cyberpunk 2077 Devs Discuss Their First Public Gameplay …
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Bold of IGN to assume I clicked this because I'm counting down to or anticipating the release of Cyberpunk 2077, I haven't even played The Witcher or watched anything for Cyberpunk 2077. I clicked because Deus Ex and wanted to see what else was in the list.
Ehhh Syndicate?
Still nothing I'd play
Perfect Dark
The Witcher 3
This are all the game people already play
I bet the finished game will get a score of 7/10 for being too ambitious
Wow the industry really does lack Cyberpunk games.
I only clicked on the video to see if any commenters had the JC Denton profile picture.
I'm leaving a like simply for putting Va-11 Hall-a on the list. Amazing game ????
watch blade runner
Jus' play "Deus ex mankind divided" hands down!
I wouldn't really recommend Mankind Divided, Invisible War or that crap mobile game to anyone looking to play some cyberpunk games but ok whatever.
I know this ain't a popular one but I am shocked and outraged that you missed Syndicate from 2012.
You can just get the Cyberpunk 2020 PDF for free by googling it
Shoulda had Black Future '88 on here.
And i thought there's 7 prequels
You missed Tokyo 42
What about System Shock?
Omikron: The Nomad Soul is a game with cool cyberpunk vibes. And the in-game David Bowie song "New Angels Of Promise" sets the mood so damn right!
Oi gente por favor ajuda meu amigo se inscreve no canal dele ajuda a bater 1000 inscritos Thigo uchiha
Nah breh. I fina wait foh cyberpunk.
Absolutely agree about the Deus Ex games! They are awesome! Also, I need to play Watch Dogs 2 eventually.
I would kill for DXHR remastered. Better graphics and maybe a new button layout for consoles. That's it, the rest is perfect anyways. Easily one of the most underrated games.
Syndicate (that random FPS CyberPunk game that nobody knows about) should be on the list.
Jazzpunk looks like a fuckin' acid trip.
I remember playing Neuromancer for Commodore 64 back in the 80’s. The book and game were both way ahead of their time.
systemshock? can you count that as a cyber(punk)game?
Check out Carbon 2185 , it uses the 5e system of D&D and has really cool artwork.
You forgot Snatcher and Shadowrun
Try Shadowrun Returns as well.
Va-11 Hall-A is amazeballs
System Shock 2, Republique, Hard Reset, Remember Me, MGS2, and Soma are also worth checking out.
All calling Invisible War a "classic" is really strecthing it.