Just when you thought Resident Evil 4 couldn’t possibly get ported again, check it out running on Nintendo Switch! The First 14 Minutes of Resident Evil Zero on …
Just when you thought Resident Evil 4 couldn’t possibly get ported again, check it out running on Nintendo Switch! The First 14 Minutes of Resident Evil Zero on …
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You know RE4 Is one of the GOATS when it still gets ported to modern systems till this day
Amazing game for the Swiindie ;(
ah sh*t here we go again…
Yeah who cares this is ridiculous
what are you buying? what are you selling?
I remember playing this on the Gamecube and being blown away by the graphics. Definately the best looking game of that generation.
Hehehe thank you
So they told him where everything was but did not teach him how to fight the zombies
Waiting for its remake..
£30 each? No chance
Resident evil 4 and 5 are my favorites 6 is meh but will definitely going to get it
I don’t know why people are asking for an RE4 remake, it still holds up great. The only thing that takes getting used to is the tank controls.
That's brings back old memories
Can’t wait to play this on the bus
Вломился в дом, убил человека. Типичный американец.
Okay thats it, after they released RE 3 in the near future, RE 4 Remake NEXT!
I played this on ps2 ps3 pc and ps4 one of the best games of all time.
This is easy mod???
thats a gamecube screem grab. fake! SMH.
Why is this game for $30?. Re2 remake is $40 right now smh.
а смысл если это не ремастер?
Nintendo is brilliant.
The only improvement i can see is the fov in and out of aim, aside from that maybe the textures? I can't really tell.
I love this game but is anyone else tired of this game getting constantly ported so damn much?
Soon enough we'll get a marvelous remake like re2
Detrás de ti, imbécil!
fut faras teo…agarelo…pilasos
I'm ready to play re4 for the 50th time
Such an unbelievable video game
Umm is this 60 fps ???? Wtffff
RE4 is a masterpiece. Here's hoping Capcom eventually does an actual full RE4 Remake from top to bottom like what they did with the RE2 Remake! I think that would be amazing.
Skyrim: i have the most ports in any game history
Resident Evil 4: Hold my rare things stranger
people in here salty over the release of this game. I mean if you’re not satisfied the quality or think this is cash grab nvm don’t buy it. Well at least Nintendo try their best to bring this to the switch & many games more.
Ten extra dollars with no gyro controls tf??!
How did they not added motion controls is beyond me.
Re 2 Remake is better
It's a bare bones release, a cash grab by Capcom. It has no support for gyro controls or HD Rumble. No thank you Capcom.
Resident evil 4 remake
beat this game about 15 times altogether ..no interest playing it over again ?