Elite Dangerous reviewed by Joseph Bradford on PlayStation 4. Also available on Xbox One and PC. Watch more IGN Game Reviews here!
Elite Dangerous reviewed by Joseph Bradford on PlayStation 4. Also available on Xbox One and PC. Watch more IGN Game Reviews here!
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I came here to figure out what this game was about and in true IGN fashion by the end of it you failed to explain anything about the actual game.
No man's sky 2?
I thought this was a fair review.
Does this guy not know that there is automatic docking? It's like he didn't even play the game.
Lazy reviewer – he didn't progress past the starting ship. The other ship was in CQC mode. I reckon he played the game and made the video in under an hour.
why is your web site so bad.
Y’all do realize that the grandeur of this game is the travel right so it’s not just going from one blip on your map to another the fun of this game is meant to be going between the blips…it’s not the destination it’s the journey
Elite is a serious game which takes time to even be able to do a proper review…you either hate it or love it. It's a serious simulator.
This game is $9 on xbox one digital right now, i was thinking about grabbing it
Can i exploring the interior of the base or my ship now?
Ign has really gone down as far as pretty much everything… ?
Booooooooooorrrrriiiiiiiinnnnnnnggggggg!!!!!!! #fail
This review is short-sighted and unworthy of the game. The developers have quietly spent years creating what I believe is a masterpiece of physics and imaginative experience. The player must invest a lot of time yes but the rewards are deep. One feels a true sense of pride in owning a ship with modified engineering and a load-out of weaponry that has required personal research and real effort. For example, for one upgrade I required arsenic. I had to search the galaxy database for planets and their metallic content, pilot there and then drive an SRV over its surface in order collect the material. This is a seriously mature game.
You simply can not review a game the size of Elite: Dangerous in 3 & 1/2 minutes.
It makes the maps on the likes of GTA literally seem like a grain of sand on a beach. The scope and possibilities that it offers would be simply mind blowing…if it wasn't for the fact that David Brabham and his team were making the first Elite game over 30 years ago. The first Elite and Elite: Frontier were legends of their time back then, let alone now.
I remember when I first got Elite: Frontier, opening the box, finding only one floppy disk (ask you parents) and thinking that, considering how big the first Elite was, there must have been at least a couple of disks missing from the box. It still blows my mind even now that the entire galaxy could be explored with such limited software back then. That game kept me busy for years…and I never did reach Elite rank, even using the 'rapid fire' joystick cheat to rake in the coin.
Reviewing Elite: Dangerous in 3 or 4 minutes is like trying to write a review of War & Peace on the back of a cigarette packet.
It got a 7.5. Isn't that good enough for you fanbois? Whether the reviewer had input lag or not seems to be irrelevant. I'd buy a 7.5 score game if I like the genre. It wasn't a brutal review and I'd imagine pretty accurate. I've been playing Rebel Galaxy and it probably has a lot more action… And THAT gets repetitive and boring.
So, buy No Man's Sky or this? The recent updates and price drop make No Man's Sky very tempting, but this looks pretty cool.
$12 on the Playstation store right now if you have PS+. I'm trying to gauge if I should buy it, seems like a pretty good deal from what I found.
Hard to land? Get an autopilot
Is there a large player base on PS4?
It's complicated and not like cod… 7.5.
The man lands like a fool
Didn't even mention the faction wars and multi-crew piloting? Wtf? Did you play for an hour and call it quits?
This game is the most underrated I have seen. I had never even heard of it until the other day. It is huge, has amazing depth, over 400 billion planets, different star systems and planets that play differently, enforced air space laws, planets under hold of different goverments and factions, different levels of security, great gameplay variation, choice, exploration, farming, politics, and is visually stunning. This feels more of a sim and does take hours/days of practice just to land properly. The taking off and landing procedures make me think the developers must have had someone on the team hired who had genuine aircraft flying experience which has really helped in giving it a flight sim feel (even if set in outer space). It's not for some reviewer to play for half an hour and decide it is boring. Worst review I have ever seen. This game deserves more exposure. This game is ground breaking in it's depth, design and detail and won't feel like any game you have played before. I urge people to give it a chance and if it's not for you then so be it. It's scale alone makes other games seem like childs play.
I don't get certain people here. I've played ED since release and this review nails pretty much everything. It does get boring after a while regardless of what you're doing. Hopefully though, things will get better with the Beyond updates. And I'm thrilled about the "personal narrative" and the engine upgrades (ED has the worst case of aliasing I've ever seen). So I'm very hopeful.
Still higher rated then Star Wars: Battlefront 2
?i cant even play. Error code on menu screen everytime
I was going to buy this, but your negative elitist nerd attitude I think changed my mind. For a game you personally rated 7.5 you used an insane amount of horribly negative descriptive terms like mundane. Have you created an amazing space game lie they did? Then shut up. I'm going to but it anyway, I think your just a judgmental person.
Wow this game looks like trash
Well, maybe the problem isn’t the game, maybe it’s the player… ?
Also, this game is definitely a great way to waste your life. For the people who find this game dull, it’s because it isn’t for you.
PSVR mode is needed, even if its low res
This guy played the game for an hour and thinks he knows all the ins and outs of it…poor review