Those having problems with unbox therapy, go and do unboxing yourself… I know you cant, u cant afford it. ?
R u done? UnboxTherapy: yes U r still paid by apple?️
(just kidding, im a big fan of urs)?️
i like samsung
Apple and Samsung are both alright. Both have Pros and Cons. Just never get a LG and your alright.
He was paid by himself to say this!
I love reading comments from sour apples
He is paid by Google…not because he uses pixel but because YouTube is owned by Google.
Very funny. Gud video
Pay yourself for making this video. : )))
I simply don't care if you are paid by Apple, Samsung, Microsft or Huawei but for me personally what I'm interested in is your work… are the best or one of the best on YouTube so keep up the good work Sir.
He is paid by me
5 hours of watching his videos in a day
I love these videos. Samsung/Apple/Google/Gadgets Under $$/ all of it. You're doing great things, Lew!
I smell noice
He is paid by Unbox Therapi?
you remind me of ty from dude perfect LOL i’ve been trying to figure it out since forever. you sound and look just like him, but with glasses haha
They are jealous ????
How much did Apple Pay you to make this video
He is the one and only best youtuber of 2019 ?
Preach it man. Haters will hate. Love your videos and honesty of the products you review. Keep at it!
payed from windows mobile
Stock android!??
Don't worry Lew. I am sure you are not getting paid by Apple, nor Samsung, nor……… wait a sec. You must be paid by Google. Because YouTube is Google's right?
He's in bed with BOTH of em at the same damn time!
Just how much does Zach's Jerry Rig Everything hate Apple?
How much is Android paying you?
Saying he’s paid buy Apple is just retardation. He always hates on Apple devices.
It just goes to show how juvenile android fans are… he says one thing bad about their glorious phone and they start having a tantrum.
Grow up already
who pays him???
Pissed ?
Lew, if you read the comments you will go mental
wait, wait, wait maybe he's getting threatened by google to use the pixel, and if he doesn't they're gonna delete his channel
He's really getting paid by Unidentified White Cups, Inc.™
How Much Apple Does Money Pay Me?
Hey Guys ! Subscribe to me and I will too :)) Thank you in advance . ???
i believe you don't recommend people to buy different company's product. yoo go buy this phone or buy that speaker buy this laptop etc etc. i believe you show people reality of a product . i know almost all information before buy a product or a phone. in couple of videos u bought bad things from amazon and alerted people not to fall for that kind of scams. sometimes u show something that not all people can buy like "$3000 Bluetooth Speaker" but we know that things like that exist thanks to u. or i wouldn't even know that they made a robot puppy or WALL-E robot car . and such like other things. thanks to u and your team. Say hi to jack.
He is getting paid by Samy deluxe for playing his music at the end
I really don't care if he gets paid or not , I just enjoy watching new tech news. And if I'm going to buy something I do my own research and watch more than 1 vid review
There was no way people would respect you if you didnt review the bending phone.
When he says "convergence of quality" I think he's been paid by samsung,apple, and google. Lets keep the conspiracy alive folks.
Samsung Galaxy S8 video in question –
Those having problems with unbox therapy, go and do unboxing yourself… I know you cant, u cant afford it. ?
R u done?
UnboxTherapy: yes
U r still paid by apple?️
(just kidding, im a big fan of urs)?️
i like samsung
Apple and Samsung are both alright. Both have Pros and Cons. Just never get a LG and your alright.
He was paid by himself to say this!
I love reading comments from sour apples
He is paid by Google…not because he uses pixel but because YouTube is owned by Google.
Very funny. Gud video
Pay yourself for making this video. : )))
I simply don't care if you are paid by Apple, Samsung, Microsft or Huawei but for me personally what I'm interested in is your work… are the best or one of the best on YouTube so keep up the good work Sir.
He is paid by me
5 hours of watching his videos in a day
I love these videos. Samsung/Apple/Google/Gadgets Under $$/ all of it. You're doing great things, Lew!
I smell noice
He is paid by Unbox Therapi?
you remind me of ty from dude perfect LOL i’ve been trying to figure it out since forever. you sound and look just like him, but with glasses haha
They are jealous
How much did Apple Pay you to make this video
He is the one and only best youtuber of 2019 ?
Preach it man. Haters will hate. Love your videos and honesty of the products you review. Keep at it!
payed from windows mobile
Stock android!??
Don't worry Lew. I am sure you are not getting paid by Apple, nor Samsung, nor……… wait a sec. You must be paid by Google. Because YouTube is Google's right?
He's in bed with BOTH of em at the same damn time!
Just how much does Zach's Jerry Rig Everything hate Apple?
How much is Android paying you?
Saying he’s paid buy Apple is just retardation. He always hates on Apple devices.
It just goes to show how juvenile android fans are… he says one thing bad about their glorious phone and they start having a tantrum.
Grow up already
who pays him???
Pissed ?
Lew, if you read the comments you will go mental
wait, wait, wait
maybe he's getting threatened by google to use the pixel, and if he doesn't they're gonna delete his channel
He's really getting paid by Unidentified White Cups, Inc.™
How Much Apple Does Money Pay Me?
Hey Guys ! Subscribe to me and I will too :)) Thank you in advance . ???
i believe you don't recommend people to buy different company's product. yoo go buy this phone or buy that speaker buy this laptop etc etc. i believe you show people reality of a product . i know almost all information before buy a product or a phone. in couple of videos u bought bad things from amazon and alerted people not to fall for that kind of scams. sometimes u show something that not all people can buy like "$3000 Bluetooth Speaker" but we know that things like that exist thanks to u. or i wouldn't even know that they made a robot puppy or WALL-E robot car . and such like other things. thanks to u and your team. Say hi to jack.
He is getting paid by Samy deluxe for playing his music at the end
I really don't care if he gets paid or not , I just enjoy watching new tech news. And if I'm going to buy something I do my own research and watch more than 1 vid review
There was no way people would respect you if you didnt review the bending phone.
When he says "convergence of quality" I think he's been paid by samsung,apple, and google. Lets keep the conspiracy alive folks.
He is paid by yt and Willy doo…
Wow you succumbed to the mediocrity of Americans.