Sick of Rage 2 videos that discuss things like “gameplay” and “value”? We’ve got you covered, with our verdict on literally everything else, whether it matters or …
Sick of Rage 2 videos that discuss things like “gameplay” and “value”? We’ve got you covered, with our verdict on literally everything else, whether it matters or …
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I'm having so much fun playing this game
Love the smiling segment
I don't know why but I like it when there is a gun viewing animation in video games
A vast but empty world
gamersin 2
They still salty about the pushback from their Days Gone review
I like hearing British people swear, I get cussed out over here in the U.S and it’s disrespectful but when someone with an accent does it I’m like “lol, dope. Do it again”
Wow, cool post IGN thanks for sharing.
Umm best IGN videos to date! Keep Thumb Wars around pl0x! ???
They give it 8 out of 10 I wouldn't give it even 0 that's how bad it looks
How do you get lost with pink arrows on the ground lol
The hell are the point of these videos.
The crates dont break because you are too tall. Just crouch and they will break
Thumb smilyest disagree of minority Guff shoot 'em up cyber Doc overdrive majority dia log in do him madnifisens Rage 2 much
It just looks like Mad Max and DOOM made a baby that there like "k let's just drop it off at the fire station and never talk again"
Bronco Koronco be scratching his nuts at 4:07.Should've named him Scratchy McScratcher
Me watching another IGN Thumb War video : "Ah sh*t, here we go again."
Best thing on ign at the moment. Great work slugs. Love it!
An 8 was way too high to give to this mediocre, boring, repetitive, 8 hour long story sequel.