Drone radio buyer’s guide of 2017. This video should help people choose the best radio for their fpv racing drone. We look at several radios ranging in price from the cheap flyskyi6 up to the frsky taranis special editions. Links below
Flysky i6 – http://bit.ly/2uIMRz1
Flysky i6s – http://bit.ly/2tPAAg6
Turnigy Evolution – http://bit.ly/2hzpxQQ
Taranis qx7 – http://bit.ly/2tL079n
Taranis plus – http://bit.ly/2tHschT
Taranis special edition – http://bit.ly/2tokmHy
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Mic used – http://bit.ly/2jAl3Ly
Camera – Cannon 700D
Action camera – GoPro sessions 5
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Hopefully this helps some new pilots know some good options. links
Flysky i6 – http://bit.ly/2uIMRz1
Flysky i6s – http://bit.ly/2tPAAg6
Turnigy Evolution – http://bit.ly/2hzpxQQ
Taranis qx7 – http://bit.ly/2tL079n
Taranis plus – http://bit.ly/2tHschT
Taranis special edition – http://bit.ly/2tokmHy
also Futaba and Spektrum are good radios but in my experience they are a not nearly as popular as the above models.
I have jumper T12 Plus are that good?give me review
hii sir price
Is there any chance in getting a 2019 updated video please?
Spectrum is the og of radios. Every other radio just copied spectrum and sold it cheaper.
Devo possibly
Got 500 hourly for maintenance Hombrè
Holà im Johnny Rico
Roughneck 2 zero ( Washington Capitals stanley cup winners replica…..???)
Hahahahaha hmmmmmmm i thought I had sharted ( midget stock car MOPAR)
I have a Spektrum DXe for my rc plane and I think I'm going to build a quad (probably the $99 build). Should I buy a different remote? I noticed a lot of drone pilots don't use Spektrum.
Man, that second radio has a crazy face going on! Lol
Please give me one transmitter
g'dayyyyyyy and todayyyyyyyyyy
How to contact you….
Want to buy FPV for my son and myself for xmas, but I am confused about all the different receiver versions of these things, plan to buy Mobulas 7 start with and build 5 inch drones later. I am in Australia if that makes any difference.
Good video, but why don't you give us the advertised Transmission range on these?
Great video pls make a 2018 update one!!!
I got a rare radio for drone racing a turnigy 9xr pro
You said you use the middles switch for the buzzer, could you explain whats a buzzer is?
I like cookies ?
What is the range of Fsi6s radio transmitter.
why on some radios is the left stick down when not touched and on others its in the middle??
Good video for getting started with radios in fpv, BUT! You didn't go into receivers, and which is compatible with which radio, obviously I'm a bit of a noob, I've only ever flown whoop classed drones with the dodgy little controllers. I'm trying to build my first (real) kwad to try out some acro and when it came down to buying a radio, my biggest drama was, with what reciever is compatible with what transmitter. I went with the flysky i6 because like you said it's cheap, but still useable. Now I'm only building a small quad for my first, so I can still goto the local park and fly. The frame I chose was the hornet 120mm for its small size and the components are a lot cheeper then a 5inch. But the question I keep asking myself is will the reciever for the flysky i6 even fit in a 120mm frAme, (waiting on delivery of transmitter and reciever) and what is the smallest reciver you can get for the i6? any help would be great. Love your work, and passion you have for the hobby. You've inspired me on many levels to build a real quad(as a posed to just buying a rtf). And always happy flying
can use the Flysky FS-i6S with multiple drones?
What do you think of frsky x lite
Can you review the spectrim x12s
I have Flysky i6 which I'm using for flying with simulators. Works great with Velocidrone and Liftoff. While for real flying I'm using Taranis X9D Plus.
Would the flysky is work well with planes
I use Spekrum for my heli flying. I am now using other radios for my other planes and quads. The value is outstanding in the other brands, I'll give you that, but I wouldn't discount the Spektrums either. They cost more but they are solid good quality radio and they feel good in the hands. Personally, I've come to realize that I prefer a radio that is thicker to hold. It feels better when you're holding it and moving the sticks. Doesn't have to be a Spektrum, but a thicker feel is preferable for me overall. It will come down to personal preference also. I realize that. Cheers
Hey Stew, I notice that you mainly fly with the Turnigy evolution up to this point and you have said that it's your favorite. I also note that a lot of the bind n fly quads seem to use the frysky standard of receivers. Does the Turnigy evolution bind to the frysky receivers without any problems??? or do you swap them out and put your own compatible receiver in there. Cheers
Which has the best range and reliability?
I got the special edition Taranis but it doesn't have user replaceable antenna. =/
Hey …. I just ordered the F I6X. I didn't really want to spend the money on the QX7 until I really decided if I like FPV racing or not. Hope I don't regret buying the I6X though. I also ordered a few receivers. I already have a few quads however they are camera quads and come with their own transmitters. I think I am going to save up for the Leader 120 or ET 125 or something. ….I will probably end up getting a FRSKY receiver like the QX7 one day and just switch out the receivers. Thanks again for your videos. I am learning so much !!
Great video mate! Whish I'd seen this before I got the FS-i6 as my first TX, would have gotten the Evolution instead. Might still buy one later on though. Just through it in the bag with an ET100 and EV100 and you have a really nice portable set-up.
hello, which radio from the 3 cheap Radios is the best for you = the flysky i6, i6s or the Turnigy Evolution?
many thanks for your feedback!
I really need help with this. Do I buy a receiver for the wizard. Or do I buy the one without the receiver. The remote is the flysky i6
I like the DX6
How have the FS -A8S RX's working for you? Had any issues?
hey man! was wondering how come the remotes dont have a throttle trigger separate from the other controls. how could i customize???