Days Gone features three separate skill trees to fit your specific playstyle. Here are the nine we think you should aim for first. First 17 Minutes of Days Gone: …
Days Gone features three separate skill trees to fit your specific playstyle. Here are the nine we think you should aim for first. First 17 Minutes of Days Gone: …
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1:20 …. but the "review" said "this skill makes no sense…. for a biker". obviously this means if he weren't a "biker", it would be a great and realistic, real world skill to have. bikers cant slow down time, only people that drive 4 wheeled cars. right????
You insulted this game with a 6.5 but you're milking pageviews out of this game w/ videos like these.
This game is about a man being a man. So the simp reviewers have to hate it but secretly wish they were men. Mgtow forever.
Wwz is better
For a game you don’t like… you sure are making a lot of videos about it! Muppets ?
Nah I’ll just wait for the last of us part 2.
This video proves that IGN's reveiw of the game is absurd. Days Gone looks amazing!
Why botter wasting time making vídeos about a medíocre game that only a few people will play.
Pretty wack that ammo is hard to get. This is america we are in no short supply of ammo or guns. The devs are confused on what realistic means. Still gonna play though lol
I really think it would be nice if we can find RPGs in the open world of days gone for dealing with hordes
I don’t get it.
Why is IGN still posting videos about how to succeed in the game after they gave it a low score?
Why bother?
hyped for this game
Pretty shocked its exclusive to ps4
I like it how they gave it a 6.5 but there still giving you tips and skills you should get
IGN: Let's give this game a 6.5
Also IGN: 6 ESsEnTiaL sKiLLs tO gET iN DaYS GOne
Why tf didn’t he review the game
I was so mad when I found out this game was only for ps4
1s ..I MEAN 10TH!!!
Hi love love subscribe 300 ???
Skill Number 1:Stab small zombie children with a knife.
Disappointment gone
Pc and xbone irrelevant in gaming. Ps4 and switch is where the games are at ???