We got to go behind-the-scenes with the designers at Bend Studios to see how they developed the massive hordes players face in the open world of Days Gone.
We got to go behind-the-scenes with the designers at Bend Studios to see how they developed the massive hordes players face in the open world of Days Gone.
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Love this game but I worry about difficulty, time and time again Jeff Ross talks about how they make it harder. Like I don't want from software difficulty please
I thought it said Horde Mode
Guys I’m pretty sure they didn’t record the audio like this on purpose, technical difficulties happen sometimes
"unique enemy type"
The audio is great
The game looks like defecation!
Your behind the scenes recording and you didn't bother bringing a lavaler mic or a handheld mic, not even a shotgun camera mounted mic you brought on board camera audio even a cheap recorder or a phone could do better
oh look, hordes, the things that don't exist in the game according to giantbomb peons :)))))
Day One I'm there!
Did yall record this video with a bag of bricks?
Average black friday
This game i wanted years ago dreams come true
Another zombie game eh…
wow, can't hear anything.
why are all the zombies bald?
Subscribe to pew
This looks great!
And i thought ign is professional
"Have never seen that many zombies in a video game"
Dead rising???????
I have utmost respect for developers who still believe in single player games.
Days Gone is day one buy ?
Cough xbox cough
With days gone by have you viewed my channel?
Bend studio just keeps on surprising me over and over
Did anyone bother to check the audio before posting?
Yall need a shotgun mic
2:55 – 3:02 GAH DAMN ? savage
I’d find the zombies 100x scarier if they had patches of hair on their head
What's going on with the sound?
Don’t you guys have microphones ?
A new low for IGN!
Day one for me greatness awaits
Sony, Bend, nearly everyone knows this game doesn't have Sony exclusives games quality, most of the people who tried it 2 weeks ago said that the game felt like a Ubisoft game and has nothing really special to justify the purchase, I think Sony missed a new Syphon Filter game.
Did you record this on a potato?
Dont listen to ign they were trash talking about the game being to white
By ripping of World War Z ?
Ever heard of using microphones? lol
Honestly the more and more I see this game the less I am exciting. Just looks like another zombie game and it's only single player. it's coming out right after MK11 and Cuphead on Switch so all my time will be on those games. So sad
liked the game
That's some bad audio recordings you got there
My 2003 phone could probably record sound better, but A for effort.
Gruff White Males Beware_ Ign
The Black Masses and World War Z (Game) does this with an indie team.
What I can't hear
I got it preordered only if we got it early for preordering