Thanks for watching! Check out my new V2 motors here (Click Show More) –
► v2 2400kv Motors: https://www.getfpv.com/lumenier-2207-8-2400kv-johnnyfpv-v2-motor.html?cmid=eHZ3Y2tBWGYrQWM9&afid=OHoxcWFKb0hpcDA9&ats=bnU1TGNFdnVXVjA9
► v2 2700kv Motors: https://www.getfpv.com/lumenier-2207-7-2700kv-johnnyfpv-v2-motor.html?cmid=eHZ3Y2tBWGYrQWM9&afid=OHoxcWFKb0hpcDA9&ats=WDhtR3hHczNvZWM9
► v2 1750kv Motors: https://www.getfpv.com/lumenier-2207-11-1750kv-johnnyfpv-v2-motor.html?cmid=eHZ3Y2tBWGYrQWM9&afid=OHoxcWFKb0hpcDA9&ats=NExMVGNPR1p4S0U9
► My signature frame: https://www.getfpv.com/astrox-x5-freestyle-frame-johnnyfpv-edition-6370.html?cmid=eHZ3Y2tBWGYrQWM9&afid=OHoxcWFKb0hpcDA9&ats=ZVA2dUJISXlDTlE9
► Drone Setup:
– Signature Frame (New): https://www.getfpv.com/astrox-x5-freestyle-frame-johnnyfpv-edition-6370.html?cmid=eHZ3Y2tBWGYrQWM9&afid=OHoxcWFKb0hpcDA9&ats=ZVA2dUJISXlDTlE9
– Signature Motors (New): https://www.getfpv.com/lumenier-2207-7-2700kv-johnnyfpv-v2-motor.html?cmid=eHZ3Y2tBWGYrQWM9&afid=OHoxcWFKb0hpcDA9&ats=WDhtR3hHczNvZWM9
– Signature FPV Cam(New): https://www.getfpv.com/runcam-swift-mini-2-johnnyfpv-edition-600tvl-ccd-fpv-camera-2-1mm.html?cmid=eHZ3Y2tBWGYrQWM9&afid=OHoxcWFKb0hpcDA9&ats=dWNHRjdsaDNBYlE9
– Electronic Speed Controller: https://www.getfpv.com/xrotor-micro-45a-6s-4-in-1-esc-dshot1200.html?cmid=eHZ3Y2tBWGYrQWM9&afid=OHoxcWFKb0hpcDA9&ats=S1dqWnAxaEV0Z3M9
– Flight Controller: https://www.getfpv.com/lumenier-skitzo-flight-controller-v3-powered-by-raceflight.html?cmid=eHZ3Y2tBWGYrQWM9&afid=OHoxcWFKb0hpcDA9&ats=RnppaWVTMnZ3dGM9
– 5.8ghz Antenna: https://www.getfpv.com/lumenier-axii-5-8ghz-antenna-rhcp.html?cmid=eHZ3Y2tBWGYrQWM9&afid=OHoxcWFKb0hpcDA9&ats=aTYzdGpua1dUU009
– Video Transmitter: https://www.getfpv.com/tbs-unify-pro-hv-5g8-race-sma.html?cmid=eHZ3Y2tBWGYrQWM9&afid=OHoxcWFKb0hpcDA9&ats=emZVTHZYeitGU2c9
– Receiver: https://www.getfpv.com/tbs-crossfire-nano-rx.html?cmid=eHZ3Y2tBWGYrQWM9&afid=OHoxcWFKb0hpcDA9&ats=anVkaHpibXBQMDg9
– Receiver Antenna: https://www.getfpv.com/tbs-crossfire-immortal-t-antenna.html?cmid=eHZ3Y2tBWGYrQWM9&afid=OHoxcWFKb0hpcDA9&ats=U2tPbTMxMmVveFE9
– Propeller: https://www.getfpv.com/hqprop-dp-5×4-3×3-pc-v1s-light-green-propeller-3-blade-2cw-2ccw-bag.html?cmid=eHZ3Y2tBWGYrQWM9&afid=OHoxcWFKb0hpcDA9&ats=MktVSGtqalMraXc9
– HD Camera: https://www.getfpv.com/gopro-hero7-black-action-camera.html?cmid=eHZ3Y2tBWGYrQWM9&afid=OHoxcWFKb0hpcDA9&ats=RW9hMS83U3BRNjA9
– Drone Battery: https://www.getfpv.com/lumenier-n2o-1500mah-4s-120c-lipo-battery.html?cmid=eHZ3Y2tBWGYrQWM9&afid=OHoxcWFKb0hpcDA9&ats=RWNwMnpsSm5US3M9
► Big Shoutout to https://www.airvuz.com. Go check the site out!
– Dominator HDO Goggles (The best.): https://www.getfpv.com/fat-shark-dominator-hdo-fpv-goggles.html?cmid=eHZ3Y2tBWGYrQWM9&afid=OHoxcWFKb0hpcDA9&ats=RUxReDFuUlBNQW89
– True-D Diversity Goggle Receiver: http://www.getfpv.com/furious-true-d-diversity-receiver-module-5-8ghz-system-v3-firmware-3-5.html?cmid=eHZ3Y2tBWGYrQWM9&afid=OHoxcWFKb0hpcDA9&ats=SFV2TmRmQ0J6ZUU9
– Futaba 16SZ: https://www.getfpv.com/futaba-t16sz-2-4g-fasstest-16ch-radio-with-r7008sb-receiver.html?cmid=eHZ3Y2tBWGYrQWM9&afid=OHoxcWFKb0hpcDA9&ats=UkVsMnpnVWtzdUE9
– TBS Crossfire System: http://www.getfpv.com/tbs-crossfire-tx-long-range-r-c-link.html?cmid=eHZ3Y2tBWGYrQWM9&afid=OHoxcWFKb0hpcDA9&ats=M3ZxckFvOXJ5cXM9
– TBS Crossfire Diamond Antenna: https://www.getfpv.com/tbs-diamond-antenna.html?cmid=eHZ3Y2tBWGYrQWM9&afid=OHoxcWFKb0hpcDA9&ats=Y0c2aEVkWUh6YkE9
– Torvol Drone Bag (SO NICE!): https://www.getfpv.com/torvol-quad-pitstop-backpack-pro.html?cmid=eHZ3Y2tBWGYrQWM9&afid=OHoxcWFKb0hpcDA9&ats=SVRTRlZQcndBY0U9
– Battery Holder: http://www.getfpv.com/accessories-183/cases/fpv-four-battery-holder.html?cmid=eHZ3Y2tBWGYrQWM9&afid=OHoxcWFKb0hpcDA9&ats=RjIrZlpXd2FmVlk9
– Radio Travel Case: http://www.getfpv.com/accessories-183/cases/fpv-radio-transmitter-cover.html?cmid=eHZ3Y2tBWGYrQWM9&afid=OHoxcWFKb0hpcDA9&ats=RjIrZlpXd2FmVlk9
– Hex Driver kit: https://www.getfpv.com/hdt-rc-tool-set-set-of-10.html?cmid=eHZ3Y2tBWGYrQWM9&afid=OHoxcWFKb0hpcDA9&ats=cm1KZ0hSSEhYam89
– Portable Soldering Iron (Travel Friendly): https://www.getfpv.com/ts100-digital-oled-programmable-interface-mini-soldering-iron.html?cmid=eHZ3Y2tBWGYrQWM9&afid=OHoxcWFKb0hpcDA9&ats=Y0owUnZXUDNwbkU9
– Holds wires for you while building: https://www.getfpv.com/hobby-creek-third-hand-kit.html?cmid=eHZ3Y2tBWGYrQWM9&afid=OHoxcWFKb0hpcDA9&ats=aWdBZVBYNVdXRGM9
Music: Illenium – Reverie
Filming Inquires: jschaer1995@gmail.com
GoPro hero7 Black
(This video was filmed on the Hero5 Session)
Awaiting Delivery of my first FPV racing drone. I love flying the simulators and can't wait to fly irl. This video is superb and has inspired me and many of my friends to pick up fav drones. Thank you and let's walk "with our heads pointing to the sky"!!!
Hats off to you.
1:25 the best part
That quote at the end ???
143 jealous haters. Keep going.
(i didnt like giving terrorists and malicious people idea on how to weaponize the drone, you should always think twice before you post video like that).
C est bo …du grand art …??
There should be a love button next to the like button so i can smash it instead
first…i want that drone! … then: i want the Lambo!
Citizens having fun at a relatively inexpensive activity, only a matter of time,before Uncle Sam makes this illegal.. smfh
Honestly who tf is disliking this
You always blow my mind. Biggest Inspiration out there
Truly a amazing sight
Learned many things from this.
Super!!! :))
C'est une molette ?
I thought there would be actual…racing, ya know?
Hi just realized you filmed the cvs part less than a mile away from my house!!!!! So cool keep it up
So pretty. but is it vegan?
if only i could get my first drone in the air i have everything built and working except the receiver isn't working right
Amazing, what is the best brand of fpv?
Amazing footage. I really think that you should start selling drones that you’ve made. DJi will have some competition.
Hola Jhonny FPV buen vuelo!! nos gustaría tomar algunas tomas de tu video para integrar en uno de nuestros capitulos en MegaControl TV nos autorizas a sacar algo de tu canal? gracias
Hola HARTMANNCAR buen vuelo!! nos gustaría tomar algunas tomas de tu video para integrar en uno de nuestros capitulos en MegaControl TV nos autorizas a sacar algo de tu canal? gracias
The night shots are the coolest of all time!
i love this amazing work!
I watched this video on September 11th 2017 (Illuminati Confirmed) and it sent me down a rabbit hole I have yet to come out of. Thank you for introducing me to this AMAZING hobby sir. You are truly a life saver.
03:43 I love that Dr. Seuss quote at the end so much that I had to share it…
This video has the feel…..makes me wanna fly to infinity.
0:52…Johnny's Favorite Flight…1:00…My favorite Flight…
there are drones in gta5 now! and it is very good
How could anyone dislike this video? Amazing flying man
I know this song from GTA 5 graphics MODS videos ( Krypton )
So glad I found this channel and this hobby, such a cool hobby I am going to get into. Just ordered my Taranis QX7 transmitter so I can practice the heck out on Sims on the PC! This is beautiful cinematography and FPV!
Tolle Leistung ??