Racing at the Zappos HQ in the second event of the Xtreme Drone Circuit!!
Flying with:
Shrike 185
200mw VideoTX http://www.readymaderc.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=11_30_33&products_id=4609
1000mAh 4s Rebelminiquads.com
20A little Bee ESCs
2204 2400Kv Motors
hs1177 camera
GoPro Sessions
Creativedex.com session camera mount
DAL 4×4.5×3
British forces design develop drones camera ipad back pack battle field ballistics rain arrows armour infantry point patrol..
This is so Cool?
Just a matter of time before the technology catches up to this concept and it can reach it's full potential, which is Predator Drone-sized craft competing over courses hundreds of miles long by satellite relay.
Hi I am interested in your video and I would like to turn this into something really cool ! Even cooler
than it is now by adding motion to it.
I own a Hydraulic
simulator company In Europe and all ways looking for new content. I’m looking for new Films to be able to
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Simulation ).
I’m in the process
of trying to find people or gropes like yourself and use their films, With their
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I could offer advertised
Logo, pre video or end video that would link back to yourself anywhere you
wanted. Like Facebook,Twiter,Instagram,YouTube,Snapchat.
Harry Banks /
looks like playing a VR game with super graphics
Did they use el wire or leds for lighting the gates?
You gottah love this sport, drones are becoming more and more popular.
Pls song?
Someone give a link to download fpv freerider recharged full version for free…
if anyone purchased please give me drive link.
how the F do you know where to go??
like a tron legacy race…love it…
Why does EVERYONE use dubstep for every drone video? Because rotor riot did?
these intro too long man
wow.. it's really fucking awesome feeling.. I would give it a try if I had a chance :))
this tech is awesome. in the future maybe pilots will pilot airplanes from a distance with a headset :))
Osom setup. Nice flight! Just looking at the video I'm losing my orientation. Congrats!
Stupid idiot Music ! This guy must be a moron !
I finally found my purpose in life
This is a cool concept but terrible execution.
Pretty good flying but you need to take some advice from other racing, like slowing before the turn, not after you speed past it overshooting.
Shitty music
Open up the "WORMHOLE" and send the "TECHNOLOGY" through first"!"???
Tron legacy
sometimes i feel like this is starwars X-wings travel
Sample please
Is there a standard that these drones have? Like is all hardware the same?
Music is so annoying I can't watch this video
the music in the intro gave me aids so i stopped watching.
The music is a bit of a mood killer :/ Anyway, the race looks awesome!
Can't see the track. Spectators need to be able to see the track in order to tell what is happening.