In April, PS Plus membership includes The Surge and Conan Exiles. The First 15 Minutes of The Surge: A Walk in the Park …
In April, PS Plus membership includes The Surge and Conan Exiles. The First 15 Minutes of The Surge: A Walk in the Park …
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Theyre free, so i cant complain
Yes to Conan Exhiles
This is an ok month of games
I was gonna buy COD MWR and The Surge! Big ups to Sony!!!
I say I say …. What in tarnations!!!
Xbox wins this month.
Two die quick games. Great.
I was just thinking about the surge, wow
Another meh month
The Doo Doo is strong with this one
Whats so bad about conan exiles? I never played it but have heard bad things about it
I already have the surge, and I’m one of the few who actually like it. I never played Conan exiles and have heard negative things about it, so I’ll give it a try. I give this months games a 7/10
Looks like it's a meh kind of month
Not into dark souls type games. So the surge is one I will pass on. I liked Conan movies growing up but not sure if the game is worth playing.
I would have preferred The Forest or Subnautica instead of Conan Exiles
2 games I debate on buying when on sale nice
I thought when sony stopped free games for ps3 and vita it would mean wed get better free games for ps4.
Boy was I wrong.
So so…
Why the dislikes? These aren't bad free games.
2 games I debate on buying when on sale nice
dont know why they havent released Uncharted 4 yet for psplus . they did it on ps3 why arent they doing it for PS4. its not like they are gonna lose sales or something WTH
Real question is when we getting Knack 2 babyy
I own these both again. Well I used to own surge before I sold it. It was alright. I still own conan so that's getting traded so yay get some money back
Epic style
I remember when we use to get devil may cry, bioshock, Batman etc.. AAA title here n there
For a minute I thought that game surge was Anthem lol I'm like damn already?
I loved The Surge, can't wait for 2
I wanted to play surge cause it's SOULSLIKE but didn't wanna spend money cause reviews weren't great but now….
How do you follow up a State of Play demonstration?
With 2 garbo PS Plus games of course…
Finally Xbox gets better stuff for once
Conan Exiles and The Surge?! I was literally go buys those at gamestop
Where are my psfanboys and their amazing comments
thats the best part of any gaming video ?
You don't want miss this also