Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, and Marvel boss Kevin Feige on the emotional impact of the ending of Avengers: Infinity War. Avengers: …
Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, and Marvel boss Kevin Feige on the emotional impact of the ending of Avengers: Infinity War. Avengers: …
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and so the marketing begins…
Even though Thanos is saying that the snap decimated randomly, yet you can see that the snap was picky when it came to decimation.
None of the original Avengers (that excludes Fury, he doesn't fight) got decimated.
never been more excited for a movie
For every like, Thanos is going to bring back an erased person, for every 100 likes, it will be a super hero
*Scarlet witch kills Vision
Thanos: REWIND TIME!!!
Can I get an Amen for half the Universe Real Quick
Jeez, Thor hasn't had a break since Ragnarok
The Avengers theme is freaking iconic now man. I remember hearing it for the first time and it still gives me goosebumps today.
My emotions are being cut and whipped right now. Don't play like this with my heart
, Marvel….This is absolutely cruel and unforgiving!
Avenge the Fallen
Black widow is shook with what she had to go through , like girl you were carrying tasers and pistols against the most elitist aliens
Not Us
Everybody knows the Avengers are going to win but if Marvel does something else, then it would be a more interesting story.
All this hype mixed with radiation near Chernobyl can make a new superhero, the Hype-Man. He shall defeat Thanos.
Titan is poo brown at the end of Infinity war. Forshadowing??????
When r tickets on sale
Stay strong and keep living because the X MEN AND FANTASTIC FOUR ARE COMING!!!
This ant man joke is pretty funny ?. Thanos can became intangible if he wants to due to the infinity stones power of being able to do anything he wants.
The fact that Chris Evans keeps saying "we" and "us" … does bring a smile on my face
I'll cry if Cap dies.
If antman don’t get in those cheeks then my finger sure will.
What about the tickets!!!
Iron man and cap have a huge fight with thanos, cap dies. Iron man keeps glove and doesnt know who is alive or dead. And there will be an intermission so you can pee*
They better do something incredible with Hulk in this movie and not just leave all the amazing stuff to the other heroes.
Natasha has already been hardened a lot by her past. How much harder can she get?
I hope groot kills thanos
I'm so excited to see the "Infinity Plug" in A4! Go Antman!