The once Xbox One exclusive is now available on the go! Check out what Studio MDHR’s Cuphead looks like running on Nintendo Switch. Cuphead for …
The once Xbox One exclusive is now available on the go! Check out what Studio MDHR’s Cuphead looks like running on Nintendo Switch. Cuphead for …
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Is anyone rebuying this bad boy? Or are you jumping in for the first time??
Its no fun if you only show perfect gameplay….. show the later bosses, or a run and gun level… even the in between map for newcomers…. this is a crap video
Should have shown handheld mode like GameExplain did ..wr all know how it looks in full screen ..but it's the portable aspect that makes this on switch a must buy in that platform ..I own it ok my OneX but I'm tempted for the handheld mode
Why isn't this game on ps4.
Is it me, or does it seem slower? We need a side by side
Ah Hell no! I'm not buying this for Nintendo, my kids would break my poor innocent defenceless Nintendo switch in half ??? the abuse my poor lil Xbox revived was traumatizing enough, seesh….?????
Laughs at all the ps4 players watching this…
Microsoft and Nintendo are getting along?
Definitely gonna try and buy this game once I get a Switch!
What is nintendo giving xbox?
I really want to play this game, but I tried it, and it gave me a really bad headache
How do I know that is a Switch, uh?
This game will probably sell more on the Switch…
I thought dark souls already came to the switch
Graphics comparison?
I feel so sorry for anyone who bought an Xbox. Lol NO exclusives at all
another reason not to buy an xbox one x. but it is nice the game is available on switch.
The game is cute, but too difficult
Ive played harder
Bless you Phil Spencer!
Happy Holi All.. love from India
Yay its on switch. Bring it to mobile devices too.
What the point of owning Xbox One again ?
I love how this game has its own ingame achievements since the switch still doesn't have it.
Still no hope for the PS4?
Is it 60 FPS?
Waiting for them 30 fps game play
Remember when ign couldnt make it past the tutorial
I beat it twice already on xbox and pc, its still so hard, not neccesarily Bloodborne ps4 hard but its hard so whats one more time on the switch??
just imagine if this footage was just the first time they showed cuphead but just reuploaded with a new title
How is this any fccky different than any other version?
I have ps4 and I want the cuphead the problem is that sony does not get along well with nintendo or with microsoft But I think it would be cuphead for the new generation: Xbox one, PS4 and Switch, also many games that can share that would be great, I do not know why they are and would not like to work with Microsoft and Nintendo that crap ?
It's the perfect time to own a Switch.
Cuphead on the switch? Awesome!
Now imagine if 'Getting over it' gets ported to the Switch….
Another reason to stop using my xbox.
So what all does Microsoft get in return I see what nintendo ia getting but what does Microsoft get?
Remember getting the 200% run and all achievements done on this game on pc. Can’t wait to do it again on my switch lol
These bosses get me so tense that I actually crushed a controller when fighting Dr. Kahl's Robot