Links: 5: Robin. The smarter smartphone 4: UBIK UNO: The Bezeless Smartphone at …
It doesn't look badass it look like a toy phone for kids
Is Ubick dead?
Why would I pay 579$ for a flapping walki talki
This is true robin liiks badass and ya sone people r screaming about its build quality bt dude notice that it is so light and so gorgeous and ya u dont need a phone to use as sword
Wow very nice mobile phone
that intro fucking loud
Makerbot was open source, but we all know what happened there…thanks Bri Pettis…
The robin is lit, but the ubik is kid of weird
The song in the first 4 seconds of the video…. What's the title?
Uhm… What did u render that with? Colors and fps r horrible
Hmph.. I have a phone that can Call, text and play snake! BEAT THAT APPLE!
What's the intro song to this video?
yeah the robin is realy good idea and design but you can snap the phone in half with only your hands
robin phone looks sexy
The first bezel less phone is the Xiaomi Mi Mix
the last one isen't even a phone
the last one is real???and it only for iphone???
if u don't want fucking robin to break in half then don't fucking try to break it in half and if you don't want apps to offload to the cloud then fucking pin the apps u pieces of shit like dayum do you're research befo… actually just fucking kill yourself
that ubik guy has Bradley Cooper's face…
Bullshit video you fuckers
The nextbit robin is made from 100% plastic…
Can someone tell me which one i am better off getting
The Robin phone looks like shit, is shit, feels like shit, bends 10x easier than a man's dick, and might cause infertility if you tried to proof the previous argument.
Ubit :933 mhz woooooooow!
da nextbit is on the number 5 nextbit robin is pure made of plastic..
i liked the 3rd one its good
the Robin is actually a really good phone. yes it'll break if you try to break it but, only an idiot would try to break his phone. you can offload apps you don't use, but you can also "pin" apps to make sure they aren't offloaded. it has great specs for the price and looks really good as well, I don't see what's wrong with it.
currently watching this from a nextbit robin
idg why people are so concerned about the Robin bending in half. WHo's gonna benD THEiR PHONE????? Who puts their phone mindlessly in their backpocket????? What tf. That phone for 140$ on amazon??!?!?!?! It's worth it and it won't explode in your face like some phones
links 4, 3 not working
mediateks cpu is not the best mb is the fastres but not for long it gets worse by time you use it
Thanks for adding the robin! ?
you can get a lot of cool things here :
The xp7 is a beast.
My OnePlus 5t shits all over these phones
Just wow
It doesn't look badass it look like a toy phone for kids
Is Ubick dead?
Why would I pay 579$ for a flapping walki talki
This is true robin liiks badass and ya sone people r screaming about its build quality bt dude notice that it is so light and so gorgeous and ya u dont need a phone to use as sword
Wow very nice mobile phone
that intro fucking loud
Makerbot was open source, but we all know what happened there…thanks Bri Pettis…
The robin is lit, but the ubik is kid of weird
The song in the first 4 seconds of the video…. What's the title?
Uhm… What did u render that with? Colors and fps r horrible
Hmph.. I have a phone that can Call, text and play snake! BEAT THAT APPLE!
What's the intro song to this video?
yeah the robin is realy good idea and design but you can snap the phone in half with only your hands
robin phone looks sexy
The first bezel less phone is the Xiaomi Mi Mix
the last one isen't even a phone
the last one is real???and it only for iphone???
if u don't want fucking robin to break in half then don't fucking try to break it in half and if you don't want apps to offload to the cloud then fucking pin the apps u pieces of shit like dayum do you're research befo… actually just fucking kill yourself
that ubik guy has Bradley Cooper's face…
Bullshit video you fuckers
The nextbit robin is made from 100% plastic…
Can someone tell me which one i am better off getting
The Robin phone looks like shit, is shit, feels like shit, bends 10x easier than a man's dick, and might cause infertility if you tried to proof the previous argument.
Ubit :933 mhz woooooooow!
da nextbit is on the number 5 nextbit robin is pure made of plastic..
i liked the 3rd one its good
the Robin is actually a really good phone. yes it'll break if you try to break it but, only an idiot would try to break his phone. you can offload apps you don't use, but you can also "pin" apps to make sure they aren't offloaded. it has great specs for the price and looks really good as well, I don't see what's wrong with it.
currently watching this from a nextbit robin
idg why people are so concerned about the Robin bending in half. WHo's gonna benD THEiR PHONE????? Who puts their phone mindlessly in their backpocket????? What tf. That phone for 140$ on amazon??!?!?!?! It's worth it and it won't explode in your face like some phones
links 4, 3 not working
mediateks cpu is not the best
mb is the fastres but not for long it gets worse by time you use it
5:56 ?