So, it's not fucking sapphire, same as the camera lens, great
Guerrila glass level what ? The level 5 is just as strong as apple sapphire if test with Mohs scale.
Who else is here in 2020? Still no sapphire iPhone.
e bakit yung kay Casper basag?
It’s display or only glass?
The ending
My boy rocking a good ol' Spyderco endura. Good choice Marques!
Nice spyderco knife
Apples Cheap Sapphire than real sapphire
Dude i think you have a bunch of phones can i have one? Just asking
Who is using iPhone 6 in 2018!
please tell me can the scratch screen be fix by the toothpaste? please reply
you can buy mohs picks on amazon
sapphire is a mohs scale 8
Test test
All of this never happened…
Putting tiny amounth of sapphire doesnt give them the right to call it sapphire glass. They should call it (includes saphire) and how much % apple keeps scamming
Will it pass jerryrig everthing's duribility test ??
2017?iPhone 8?
Might be the iPhone 7s screens ?
I'm so glad there are so many people appreciating the Endura. MK went from a knock off "Spyderco" in the LG G flex video, to a legit Spyderco blade. thumbs up for that! ??
Just scratch it with diamond dude
Ok, I'll forget about Lining my Inside Pockets with Sandpaper then. Thx
I got a notification for this old ass video.
where you got the glass??
you can use different picks of hardness to test screen durability just like jerryrigeverything
I like this video as a Materials Engineer
Very simplistic explanation on the scale, knives CAN and WILL scratch sapphire and other hard materials
joe "he tagged him mike" rogan destroying Sapphire glass via Rear Naked choke.
Sapphire is terrible at bending, and it is pretty much equal to basic soda–lime glass (see all the youtube video's)
That endura though ?
Lmao i remember when this was nee
but a knife is hardened just as steel file can cut unhardened steel
So I'm wasting money buying screen guards >.<
Youtubers destroy about 900,000,000 dollars of stuff a year for no reason.
my iPhone 6 is strached
I never knew iPhones came with Gorilla Glass, I thought that belong to Samsung?
Spyderco makes the best pocket knives
garnet amathyst and pearl and steven
But they cheaped out
So, if you did not have sandpaper in your pocket, gorilla glass 3 is perfectly ok too! And you are not paying Apple extra for smart marketing, that is a plus right!
So, it's not fucking sapphire, same as the camera lens, great
Guerrila glass level what ? The level 5 is just as strong as apple sapphire if test with Mohs scale.
Who else is here in 2020? Still no sapphire iPhone.
e bakit yung kay Casper basag?
It’s display or only glass?
The ending
My boy rocking a good ol' Spyderco endura. Good choice Marques!
Nice spyderco knife
Apples Cheap Sapphire than real sapphire
Dude i think you have a bunch of phones can i have one? Just asking
Who is using iPhone 6 in 2018!

please tell me can the scratch screen be fix by the toothpaste? please reply
you can buy mohs picks on amazon
sapphire is a mohs scale 8
Test test
All of this never happened…
Putting tiny amounth of sapphire doesnt give them the right to call it sapphire glass. They should call it (includes saphire) and how much % apple keeps scamming
Will it pass jerryrig everthing's duribility test ??
2017?iPhone 8?
Might be the iPhone 7s screens ?
I'm so glad there are so many people appreciating the Endura. MK went from a knock off "Spyderco" in the LG G flex video, to a legit Spyderco blade. thumbs up for that! ??
Just scratch it with diamond dude
Ok, I'll forget about Lining my Inside Pockets with Sandpaper then. Thx
I got a notification for this old ass video.
where you got the glass??
you can use different picks of hardness to test screen durability just like jerryrigeverything
I like this video as a Materials Engineer
Very simplistic explanation on the scale, knives CAN and WILL scratch sapphire and other hard materials
joe "he tagged him mike" rogan destroying Sapphire glass via Rear Naked choke.
Sapphire is terrible at bending, and it is pretty much equal to basic soda–lime glass (see all the youtube video's)
That endura though ?
Lmao i remember when this was nee
but a knife is hardened just as steel file can cut unhardened steel
So I'm wasting money buying screen guards >.<
Youtubers destroy about 900,000,000 dollars of stuff a year for no reason.
my iPhone 6 is strached
I never knew iPhones came with Gorilla Glass, I thought that belong to Samsung?
Spyderco makes the best pocket knives
garnet amathyst and pearl and steven
But they cheaped out
So, if you did not have sandpaper in your pocket, gorilla glass 3 is perfectly ok too! And you are not paying Apple extra for smart marketing, that is a plus right!
Who's here because of JerryRig?
I want back this intro!!!