Bitcoin mystery miners are gaining a strong position in the network. Bitcoin miners are going to great lengths to make money in the current market.
Bloq Labs Launches Titan: Can Efficiency Save Crypto Mining?
JPMorgan & Chase: Only Low-Cost Chinese Bitcoin Miners in Profitable Positions
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You nailed it for sure, it is Elvis in Iran :):):)
It could be any of those but smart money is on Elvis. Btw saying aliens + Elvis is just redundant because everybody knows Elvis is an alien.
Not so sure about the Bakkt theory though. I doubt they could mine enough to provide the liquidity they will hopefully need.
What if it's the same people who attack etherium classic? What if they decided to take on the big dog?
Maybe it's the US Government!
I would love to mine Bitcoin with renewable energy.
Awesome channel!!! Great insights!! Great info!! You are 100% right!! Only the miners with lowest OPEX will get the honor of securing public blockchain networks. Innovation at it’s best. @coinpods #keepmining
Larky, your content is in the e-news again: https://dailyhodl.com/2019/01/29/mystery-bitcoin-miners-are-gaining-influence-on-the-btc-network/
This time, however, they gave you credit for it.
Thank you Lark
Please include your intro again. It was great especially the music
Bitcoin smuglers woa awesome…A Yeti lol
NEWS!!! Exchange In Canada is Mt. Gox 2.0…just out of business. Quadriga CX
Probabley bitmain/ or a tech company testing new mining machines
Aliens. Definitely aliens
This guy CryptoChoe is doing a milliondollarchallenge, starting with 0.2BTC.
Within 3 months he reached 1BTC. Total %gain a whooping 434%!
%winrate 71%, risk only 2%!
Freaking monkey moved ? over your left shoulder….
All the Russian grandmas have banded together via their rotary phones. They plan a 51% attack.
I have never ever in my life purchased drugs and hookers with bitcoin……I've only ever used fiat money but I have sometimes paid the hookers with coke
it is a GOV trying to take over and kill Bitcoin before the global melt down of financial fraud is fully exposed. Only to realize that the penalty will be more costly than just taking the block reward. They will realize this quickly, and then will force Bitcoin to be the reserve currency of the world. Not one GOV will want to sit back and see what happens, they all will start government programs to mine Bitcoin, and other cryptographic currencies. This is going to happen very quickly. And it starts with GB denying/freezing Venezuelan Gold.
Heya! What will happen when the costs of energy start decreasing in an ever more green future, will that decrease bitcoin price? Help me construct the scenario
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Someone probably has new house sized ASICs no one even knows about
my btc miner consists of 2 -1000 watt bulbs and 20 Marijuana plants
Thanks Lark ! lets get Lark to 100 k subs,like subscribe share vids!! CrYpTo LArK NaTiOn follow Lark on twitter>>>>> twitter.com/TheCryptoLark
Fidelity were mining back in 2014.