( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) — Today’s Mystery Video – https://youtu.be/8h3dW2tgLPc Original Dumb Phone Challenge video – https://youtu.be/gOhSvC-AWMo I quit… I decided …
Do not buy a Punkt phone!!! One of my worst purchases ever. The battery lasts maybe 3 days with less than an hr's talk time, text messages come through and the time received and sent is all over the place and never accurate. Received a message yesterday at 5:17pm and the phone says it came through at 6:27pm. I have been trying to return it since I bought it but it has taken firstly 12 and then 16 days to get a response from them and they now say i have to pay to return the faulty product.
The company is an absolute joke and it has been nothing but hassle, I would tell you how bad their customer service is but can't as its non existent.
So much for making life simpler!!!
alcohol is an extension of my mind. i feel lacking inadequate without alcohol. i have this nagging fear without it. it's the way i am now, i gotta have it. does not pissing my life away being drunk have its place? yeah, sure. but it's embedded in this relationship.
people who are calling him weak, do u own one of the biggest tech channel on youtube and your job is actually based on the social media ? ok that's what i thought
after 6 years a swtiched to a dumb phone and man it feels good
The PERFECT phone for grounding my kid.
Lew I was going on a drive around the mountains with my brother and I said Damn I should have taken my phone I could have taken a video of these views and he said Enjoy it in real time. You don't need your phone. My brother doesn't own a smart phone Lew.
You're right Lew, we have to start taking back our precious time. It's getting like the Star Trek the next gen episode The Game. Look at the people in the streets Lew. They're all walking along staring into their phones. It's weird. That wasn't a failure Lew. That was an epic video. It made us think
Okay buddy
sir ye phone chahiye 9058995599
I love the design/sounds but it’s nearly $300…why?
Im starting to slowly transition from a smartphone to a dumbphone by using both at same time hopefully in a few months ill just have the dumbphone
Lew, it's called "Addiction"
hahaha, go read some research on permanent memory loss, increased depression, anxiety ect as the result of smartphones. Then jump back on the challenge… or give me that phone lol. I'm using the nokia 3310 with turned off data, and disconnected most of my social media but I love the looks of punkt.
I don't know if it's just me, but does this video seem kind of defeatist? It kind of seems like he's saying "This new world where we don't have real interactions sucks, but we're trapped here now, and there's no way we can possibly change any of that." Come on man, we're better than that. You're better than that. Sometimes you have to fight for something beautiful. We CAN have meaningful dailiy interactions, meaningful lives, and I'm doing my best to see that through. I'm not always one to talk, since I deal with device addiction, pornography addiction, etc and replace real things with this crap, but I'm not going to just give up and roll over dead. I'm making my life one I can be proud of, one step at a time. Don't give up hope guys. (^_^)
You've got a big problem.
why are there 10k dislikes? am i missing something?
Still doesn't see the reality is
We're all slaves to smartphones now. Everyone of us. I really hope this changes somehow. maybe not soon but, someday.
That's funny how they sell "dumb" phones for hundreds of dollars when you can buy a flip phone for 30 dollars.
In your grandpas voice: coward
You can't have your phone for a week?! I haven't got my smartphone for 2 years.?
I can live without the smart phone because I'm not into using it outside, I have a computer, I don't need a smart phone, but the problem is when I text, the small flop phones are too damn small to see and type on or else I'm fine with them.
Bros hat is tough ??????
weak mofo LMFAO
I want a flip phone with the latest specs cameras and awesome camera app… But just a normal flip phone with a powerful processor to make the camera app run fast and beautifully… Than I can switch no problem…
jelly pro says hi
That was stupid.
you should do one with the light phone 1 and the light phone 2 when it comes out… it seems much better than punkt
You could have used the smartphone without letting anyone know ??
6 months with no smart phone for me
my phone charger broke and I'm too lazy to buy a new one so my phone has been dead for 5 months and i still dont care
its a good phone to give to your employees, so they doint watch porn on company phones lol
Lol at least admit you're addicted to your smartphone
Guys, he is making his income from social media so it is worth it for him, but why you guys spend your valuable time watching punch of clowns and pranks on social media instead of acting like a human?
I made the mistake of getting a smart phone and have had it for a week. I hate it. For some reason it won't do phone calls, I can't get pictures I take with it onto my computer, and it's only good for text. Basically I wanted/want voice, text, and a camera would be nice but not absolutely necessary. I have zero interest in listening to music (I've got everything I've ever heard recorded in my head and have never owned any kind of music storage device except for some tapes and CDs way back when) or playing flappy birds or doing any of the 1000 things people do on their smart phones.
My smart phone is being returned in a few days and tomorrow I go dumb phone shopping.
Best video
This is the addiction
well you have been using that phone for 6 days technically a week
My phone got taken from me for 6 months those 6 months were 6 months of hell
Wait, did you fail no fap. It's PL dude no one can make it.
i got my phone removed for 2 years
i got my phone removed fore 2 years
I can live without my smartphone just fine.
Stop bitching and complete the challenge…..Be a Man do the right thing!
Not to brag but im 1 year old and i dont use smartphone lol lmao
Do not buy a Punkt phone!!! One of my worst purchases ever. The battery lasts maybe 3 days with less than an hr's talk time, text messages come through and the time received and sent is all over the place and never accurate. Received a message yesterday at 5:17pm and the phone says it came through at 6:27pm. I have been trying to return it since I bought it but it has taken firstly 12 and then 16 days to get a response from them and they now say i have to pay to return the faulty product.
The company is an absolute joke and it has been nothing but hassle, I would tell you how bad their customer service is but can't as its non existent.
So much for making life simpler!!!
alcohol is an extension of my mind. i feel lacking inadequate without alcohol. i have this nagging fear without it. it's the way i am now, i gotta have it. does not pissing my life away being drunk have its place? yeah, sure. but it's embedded in this relationship.
people who are calling him weak, do u own one of the biggest tech channel on youtube and your job is actually based on the social media ? ok that's what i thought
after 6 years a swtiched to a dumb phone and man it feels good
The PERFECT phone for grounding my kid.
Lew I was going on a drive around the mountains with my brother and I said Damn I should have taken my phone I could have taken a video of these views and he said Enjoy it in real time. You don't need your phone. My brother doesn't own a smart phone Lew.
You're right Lew, we have to start taking back our precious time. It's getting like the Star Trek the next gen episode The Game. Look at the people in the streets Lew. They're all walking along staring into their phones. It's weird. That wasn't a failure Lew. That was an epic video. It made us think
Okay buddy
sir ye phone chahiye 9058995599
I love the design/sounds but it’s nearly $300…why?
Im starting to slowly transition from a smartphone to a dumbphone by using both at same time hopefully in a few months ill just have the dumbphone
Lew, it's called "Addiction"
hahaha, go read some research on permanent memory loss, increased depression, anxiety ect as the result of smartphones. Then jump back on the challenge… or give me that phone lol. I'm using the nokia 3310 with turned off data, and disconnected most of my social media but I love the looks of punkt.
I don't know if it's just me, but does this video seem kind of defeatist? It kind of seems like he's saying "This new world where we don't have real interactions sucks, but we're trapped here now, and there's no way we can possibly change any of that." Come on man, we're better than that. You're better than that. Sometimes you have to fight for something beautiful. We CAN have meaningful dailiy interactions, meaningful lives, and I'm doing my best to see that through. I'm not always one to talk, since I deal with device addiction, pornography addiction, etc and replace real things with this crap, but I'm not going to just give up and roll over dead. I'm making my life one I can be proud of, one step at a time. Don't give up hope guys. (^_^)
You've got a big problem.
why are there 10k dislikes? am i missing something?
Still doesn't see the reality is
We're all slaves to smartphones now. Everyone of us. I really hope this changes somehow. maybe not soon but, someday.
That's funny how they sell "dumb" phones for hundreds of dollars when you can buy a flip phone for 30 dollars.
In your grandpas voice: coward
You can't have your phone for a week?! I haven't got my smartphone for 2 years.?
I can live without the smart phone because I'm not into using it outside, I have a computer, I don't need a smart phone, but the problem is when I text, the small flop phones are too damn small to see and type on or else I'm fine with them.
Bros hat is tough ??????
weak mofo LMFAO
I want a flip phone with the latest specs cameras and awesome camera app… But just a normal flip phone with a powerful processor to make the camera app run fast and beautifully… Than I can switch no problem…
jelly pro says hi
That was stupid.
you should do one with the light phone 1 and the light phone 2 when it comes out… it seems much better than punkt
You could have used the smartphone without letting anyone know ??
6 months with no smart phone for me
my phone charger broke and I'm too lazy to buy a new one so my phone has been dead for 5 months and i still dont care
its a good phone to give to your employees, so they doint watch porn on company phones lol
Lol at least admit you're addicted to your smartphone
Guys, he is making his income from social media so it is worth it for him, but why you guys spend your valuable time watching punch of clowns and pranks on social media instead of acting like a human?
I made the mistake of getting a smart phone and have had it for a week. I hate it. For some reason it won't do phone calls, I can't get pictures I take with it onto my computer, and it's only good for text. Basically I wanted/want voice, text, and a camera would be nice but not absolutely necessary. I have zero interest in listening to music (I've got everything I've ever heard recorded in my head and have never owned any kind of music storage device except for some tapes and CDs way back when) or playing flappy birds or doing any of the 1000 things people do on their smart phones.
My smart phone is being returned in a few days and tomorrow I go dumb phone shopping.
Best video
This is the addiction
well you have been using that phone for 6 days technically a week
My phone got taken from me for 6 months those 6 months were 6 months of hell
Wait, did you fail no fap. It's PL dude no one can make it.
i got my phone removed for 2 years
i got my phone removed fore 2 years
I can live without my smartphone just fine.
Stop bitching and complete the challenge…..Be a Man do the right thing!
Not to brag but im 1 year old and i dont use smartphone lol lmao
When you watch this on your phone