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I don't believe that people support Bakkt and Xrp… I mean, how stupid can a human being be? stay the hell away from centralized concepts, at least if you don't love yourselves, do it for the others.
I worked in Rakuten and I have met some people there who really believe in Crypto. !!!!
this is udemy am right?
Amazing to hear you mention Covesting. I know this project and exchange is awesome but your confirmation means a lot.
COVesting will be one of the top exchanges out there and the solid token economics token burn, fiat pairs and copy trading to come will be a game changer for this one
Crypto is a world currency,it’s not the almighty US dollar. I don’t live in the US,I don’t need the US dollar to purchase anything. The sooner we break away from a currency and a country that still thinks they rule the entire world the better. The USA is in so much debt it’s a joke,Yet they still dictate my financial situation. I am not shitting on the people of the USA,just saying the leaders,past and present of this one great country can’t even handle their finances. Hopefully some other countries will take the bull by the horns and show the USA,they are not as big as they once were.
Your the best
So basically they don’t have any employees “we are looking for janitors, parking lot attendants, ceo, cfo”
On tipping you bitcoin: I wanted to send you a little bitcoin as a thank-you for all the good information you put out but I can’t copy your bitcoin wallet address on iPhone. Is there another way I can get your address?
This is the first video that I've ever actually heard some dude hammering in the background, you've had to mention it in at least 80 other videos LOL
CBOE has withdrawn their application, they knew full well they will never get approved by the SEC, has banks footprints all over it, it’s a bloody joke, the SEC had no control over the market or Bitcoin, yet they are ruling the space, Bitcoin is world wide not in America, every time there is manipulation, they have a party, because it’s their excuse for no ETF, the latest one is the shutdown.
Apollo currency APL
“Carbon credits” are nothing but another tax. “They” will control how much energy u can use, through the IoT, then tax u to use more.
Covesting will make an impact in 2019 when they go into full lauch pretty soon, lot's of features, and a copytrade feature for holders with their token COV makes it possible to copy professional traders, this im very exited about. The platform has gone under the radar as they have focused on building rather than promoting.. this will change when the platform launches….
Can anybody introduce a valid reason what did the government do to deserve getting ANY of my gains from crypto? I mean, I am seriously struggling …
Climate change global warming carbon credits it's all a hoax it's fraudulent non-science totally manipulated manufactured created out of thin air to tax everyone and make the few rich don't buy into that
That would be amazing if crypto brought truth to banks, corporations and government. Somehow I think they'd find ways around it. Too powerful to be honest. p.s. BCH shouldn't even be in the top 20. I hope it burns.
dont want bakkt
Great video TMI..keep it up
my prediction the market will go down even more, under 100 billion, very sad, keep hodl
Still think the bear market will last until Q2 of 2020. Don't be too discouraged if there isn't a massive bull market by summer
Covesting is highly regulated and approved with the DLT licence ( Distributed Ledger Technology) from the government of Gibraltar.
Wow TMI that`s the most excited intro i`ve seen yet! It was great
March ??????
Covesting will be one of the best exchange to lead the way. Nice to see it’s starting to get exposed. Nice vid
Come on, Man. We all see the same Article's…. Can You Show US Different Websites that Compare, Show Statistics…. Get into something….
More exchanges reduces liquidity for any 1 market allowing for less stability in the price
Great show . Good content