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About the Author: Unbox Therapy


  1. Why is this even a debate in 2019? All smartphone cameras work pretty much perfectly fine for the reasons people use them. The small differences really don't even matter anymore.

  2. I don't take many photos, if any at all. I really don't need a smartphone at all except for work. So comparing phones based on a camera doesn't appeal to me. I mainly use my phone for directions and phone calls. That's why I bought my LG G6 two years ago and haven't felt the need to upgrade.

  3. This is something I thought about for years. They try to sell me some camera and show me the pictures it takes. But I'm watching on my TV or Computer monitor. Well the resolution is the same no matter what camera you used to make it. So how am I really supposed to know which is the best? You really can't.

  4. i got myself a poco-f1 last october ( to upgrade from iphone-6 ) – i just couldn't afford an iphone but looking back i'm super happy with the phone and the extra storage – video shot with it isn't bad at all – might not be the best camera out there, nor the best phone, but for 300quid it serves its purpose very well

  5. This video is stupid and thought-provoking for stupid people stop doing the talk show scene I don't need to see you nod back at your guess why don't you tell us that you had a slew of videos with MKBHD instead of giving us five minutes of garbage for the first video I own this video I don't agree with how it's done to make this topic relevant yes people will choose saturated pictures that's why Samsung does so well that's what they do even with your TV is but people don't care because that's what they want you have to compare based on product and what's the best or expensive at that time if you want to truly do a test then you have a bunch of photos not two at a time under the same conditions but covering all conditions and then you vote so people can see it side-by-side maybe people who are paying attention to detail will choose the pixel 3 vs epochal phone but if it's just that more attractive that's not new that's not a reason for topic that's not really even a shock and it's not a secret that phones like the polka phone take great pictures had you had some common sense you would have noticed this already it won't be such a shock but it still has to be a certain set of phones everybody gets to see all the pictures from those phones so they can judge side by side and then under certain conditions and then whoever gets the most votes consistently is the champion and individually you can say who won those certain shootouts it's not as complicated as shocking as you make it up to believe scrap this talk show crap or do something else with it it's nice that you get a different scene and you get to breathe but it's making this look ridiculous for your Channel

  6. I tune image quality in a company that make devices in which camera is a pretty central element. One thing I've learnt is that people don't know shit about what's good. Just saturate the colours (standard for my products is 125% saturation), stretch contrast and brightness. People will praise it. I can tune it to be super colour accurate, but it won't sell as well.

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