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About the Author: IGN


  1. Yes I understand it's 17 years(?) after the nuke bomb explode in Far Cry 5. I understand that may make human turn by exposing under the radioactive but… 3 magazines can't take down an enemy with armor. That's a little bit… Out of logic.

  2. Honestly this is just far cry 5 dlc

    Far Cry 3/4 were there best far cry games, it actually had a protagonist and drama.. This is just a game is crap

  3. I played my first far cry with the last game. Psychotic church people one, beat the whole game. But these games almost become chore at playing. Go here, do this; you come help these people. Just very repetitive. Maybe that’s just me, but definitely won’t be getting this one. I understand most open world games are Ike this though.

  4. Why protagonist always have shitty lookin companions like this or the dog in fc5 and enemies have the best looking ones,let us choose u filthy wankers in ubisoft headquaters…

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