These Concept Smartphones are better than most 2018 upcoming flagship smartphones to be released! Check out Skillshare here: …
i don't know if u will read this or not..but if you do..I know u have been working hard, Really Hard..I see that you have made many changes for removed the Intro thing from ur videos and started jumping straight to the content..which is great. I just want to tell you that we know you are putting all your efforts in these videos and trust me you will get everything that you deserve..Keep on making these videos and we will keep on loving u. Thank You.
1:30 how would you make a case for the iPhone 2020?
Isn't that the whole point of a concept, to be better than what we already have?
iPhone 8?????????
But its called concept for a reason
destiny 2 booty
Iphone 2020 with same iphone six design…thank you very much for not hiring me apple you suck and i can't tell this to people while getting paid from you
कैंसा घोंचू के जैसे बोलता है चूतिया
How the fuck are u going to hold that iPhone 2020?? With ur nails?
I'm excited for Samsung Galaxy Eggs
Okay, would you STOP already with the constant camera cuts already?! You know those many many instances where it gets a bit closer to you and a bit further back? It’s really freaking distracting and just makes videos like this look like either the editor or the camera itself has ADD or something whenever you emphasize certain things. Just stick with one shot and just that one simple angle.
No fucking shit concepts are better
Begone though
If that Apple model is launched the price will be above 2000 dollars..??
is a iphone 6s plus worth it in 2018
This. It. Sci fi. Movie. No. Real
Lol the clickbait was so unnecessary, the first 2 smartphones you said was a horrible idea. Just give it the proper title.
IPhone get 100 year to make this concept
Why does this guy beg for viewers? Likes and subscriptions? No one should be forced. Its annoying and makes you look very desperate for subscribers. Unsubscribed.
I see you have destiny 2… cool, cool………. CALL OF DUTY FOR LIFE!!!
Dude your so cliche
Where is the mozilla seabird? I loved that concept phone
Which one is YOUR Favourite?
Let's see if we can smash 5,000 likes on this video! ?
No shit concept Is better then real life.
The widescreen iPhone makes me want to vomit and idk why
What if you set the wallpaper of a Nokia morph to a Rolex then put it on your wrist
As if there is not enough commercials already.
0:43 THE Piano guys!
interesting….just not all that practical.
And.what do you know,it is based on that comcept (samsung x)
would a graphene battery be clear?
Ya no shit concept smart phones are better because there only a concept
Samsung is ACTUALLY working on a working foldable phone, no longer just a concept!
2:28 oh i thought that was the switch
battery is the only thing keeping this ideas as ideas
Check out my concept
i don't know if u will read this or not..but if you do..I know u have been working hard, Really Hard..I see that you have made many changes for removed the Intro thing from ur videos and started jumping straight to the content..which is great. I just want to tell you that we know you are putting all your efforts in these videos and trust me you will get everything that you deserve..Keep on making these videos and we will keep on loving u. Thank You.
This video is sponsored by #DESTINY2 on PS4
(Look at the background TV screen)
1:30 how would you make a case for the iPhone 2020?
Isn't that the whole point of a concept, to be better than what we already have?
iPhone 8?????????
But its called concept for a reason
destiny 2 booty
Iphone 2020 with same iphone six design…thank you very much for not hiring me apple you suck and i can't tell this to people while getting paid from you
कैंसा घोंचू के जैसे बोलता है चूतिया
How the fuck are u going to hold that iPhone 2020?? With ur nails?
I'm excited for Samsung Galaxy Eggs
Okay, would you STOP already with the constant camera cuts already?! You know those many many instances where it gets a bit closer to you and a bit further back? It’s really freaking distracting and just makes videos like this look like either the editor or the camera itself has ADD or something whenever you emphasize certain things. Just stick with one shot and just that one simple angle.
No fucking shit concepts are better
Begone though
If that Apple model is launched the price will be above 2000 dollars..??
is a iphone 6s plus worth it in 2018
This. It. Sci fi. Movie. No. Real
Lol the clickbait was so unnecessary, the first 2 smartphones you said was a horrible idea. Just give it the proper title.
IPhone get 100 year to make this concept
Why does this guy beg for viewers? Likes and subscriptions? No one should be forced. Its annoying and makes you look very desperate for subscribers. Unsubscribed.
I see you have destiny 2… cool, cool………. CALL OF DUTY FOR LIFE!!!
Dude your so cliche
Where is the mozilla seabird? I loved that concept phone
These all look amazing.
1:17 *vase