We’ll show you what you need before you pick up that headset. You may think you’re ready to step into the virtual world, but there are a few things you should …
Thanks for crushing my dreams with unexpected prices…
GTX 1060 – i7-8086K DDR4 16GB Ram
Im not rich ;-;
rip my dreams :c
Will a I5 7200u with a Geforce 940mx with 8 gb or ram run vr?
Are you that girl from sorcefed?
Why can't they have vr without a pc
you taught me nothing, thanks.
i got 1050 ti and I-5 4680 will it run like?
You can now get a refurbished mixed reality headset for vr on amazon for just $160
She is wife material.
Thanks so much it really helped me
I have a 6×5 room ??, i cant walk in my room?
Dangit i have a core i3, and if i get an i5 that will go over my budget
Wish i had that it is to much for me to afford tho
My headset wire cannot go that far, did the VR (oculus) product included with controller,
I have a gtx960m can that handle Vr also mine is a laptop
I know absolutely nothing about computers so I didn't really understand what they were talking about
Maybe when they have a full dive system were I can play in my sleep then I'll buy something super expensive
I'll just build another rife with 1000 rounds and a new lv 4 plates
She Got DSL
Where i live. this costs a small fortune i guess no VR for me
You are sexy man.
Hey, for anyone here with an actual VR headset, I know they said it in the video but I want 3rd party confirmation, would an RX480 8gb, i5 6500, and 16gb of 3000mhz ram cut it?
luv this geek chick!
Mam does it works on 4 inch led display mobile?
Will it be able to handle vr if I have a gtx1050Ti a i5 7500 and 8gb of ram
"If you need a brand new PC to run these headsets you can expect to spend $1000 or more." ~Builds a $525 PC
Thanks for crushing my dreams with unexpected prices…
GTX 1060 – i7-8086K DDR4 16GB Ram
Im not rich ;-;
rip my dreams :c
Will a I5 7200u with a Geforce 940mx with 8 gb or ram run vr?
Are you that girl from sorcefed?
Why can't they have vr without a pc
you taught me nothing, thanks.
i got 1050 ti and I-5 4680 will it run like?
You can now get a refurbished mixed reality headset for vr on amazon for just $160
She is wife material.
Thanks so much it really helped me
I have a 6×5 room ??, i cant walk in my room?
Dangit i have a core i3, and if i get an i5 that will go over my budget
Wish i had that it is to much for me to afford tho
My headset wire cannot go that far, did the VR (oculus) product included with controller,
I have a gtx960m can that handle Vr also mine is a laptop
I know absolutely nothing about computers so I didn't really understand what they were talking about
Maybe when they have a full dive system were I can play in my sleep then I'll buy something super expensive
I'll just build another rife with 1000 rounds and a new lv 4 plates
She Got DSL
Where i live. this costs a small fortune
i guess no VR for me
You are sexy man.
Hey, for anyone here with an actual VR headset, I know they said it in the video but I want 3rd party confirmation, would an RX480 8gb, i5 6500, and 16gb of 3000mhz ram cut it?
luv this geek chick!
Mam does it works on 4 inch led display mobile?
Will it be able to handle vr if I have a gtx1050Ti a i5 7500 and 8gb of ram
"If you need a brand new PC to run these headsets you can expect to spend $1000 or more."
~Builds a $525 PC
I would smash