Today we are going to check out Anne Frank House VR, an experience that offers a unique and emotional insight into the world-famous Secret annex. You will …
All the money earned with this video goes to the Anne Frank Foundation. This will help them to develop more educational experiences like this one for young people worldwide. For more info check out their website!
The reason there was so many starving people is becouse the allies cut off supply lines u ever ask yourself why theres so many survivors hmmmmm
Funny how IT came out in court that IT was all a lie and IT was written in Ball Point ink pin that wasnt even invinted till after the war her fake book just another lie in the holohoax
Just imagine this was VR Chat
has technology gone too far
I don't think it sounds werid.
That poster is the company's jam advertisement
Also,finally…That #1 Hater of Judaism Menace Is gone!!!
Really Anne Frank is one of those who suffered the worst. I am shaking by just reading her diary………
I have read about Anne frank!i would like to Have more educational experiences with this game
That lady below anne frank at 4:50 looks like harry potter as a lady lol
I love Anne Frank Movie but i so so sad:(
Very interesting video, but SLOW DOWN. The movement of the camera is way too rapid, doesn't give the viewer time to focus and concentrate on what they are seeing. SLOW DOWN!
Can there be a nazi dlc? I just want to see if I can find her
If they moved to the U.S. this wouldn't have happened. If only they did. This story continues to haunt me on how cruel Hitler is. I'm glad he's dead.
It looks so much like little nightmares. Like the creepy vibes and the color of it looks so much like that game.
Great video. Great job. We must never forget what Anne and all the rest went through. If we don't learn from history then then atrocities will happen again. Hope you do more VR videos.
It’s. Not. Wired. You. Feel. That
love from israel
I played this game. The tracking is extremely bad. It wasn‘t nice to play it. But the concept is very good.
Thanks for doing this
Tour mod
Comunismo ideologia do satanás ! Tudo Culpa da desgraça do Socialismo Comunismo !
Can you buy any cheap virtual reality headsets and use the oculus app? Or does it have to be the oculus headsets?
15:32 what the fu? I have exactly like exactly the same sink.
I wonder who betrayed them? There was not much time left before the war ended
Thanks for sharing. I’ve been to the house a few times, I live in Amsterdam, but this experience was quite different, much more personal. Maybe the furniture adds to it? Sometimes I wish they would reconstruct the furniture in the annex, like once back in the 90’s, but I also know that Otto Frank wanted the rooms left empty as a reminder of the removed furniture after a Jewish round up and the feeling of emptiness of the Jews who would never return.
Good afternoon nathie great video on the Anne Frank House VR experience. I did not even realize that was in your home country of the Netherlands. I agree with you the education would be far more exciting if there were many more educational experiences like this because, walking through the house with her speaking gives more credence to the experience and it makes the student realize impact more than a textbook can. Please show more of these experiences as they come out on your channel.
I did this on the Oculus Go!!!
Hi. Nathie
Maybe the "Banks" shouldn't have been charging 100% plus interest wiping out Germany's economy in the first place and this shit wouldn't have happened at all. lol
Great tour Nathie, felt like I was right there with you and Anne. Hope they can add at least limited roomscale in the future.
Such a great use of VR, especially for so many who can't actually traverse all those stairs.
V.R will change the world
I played this. I found it a little short. And I saw some graphic distorsions too. Otherwise it was interesting
This is the first time I have seen the Hebrew language in game
Now that is a story that teaches us don’t judge a book by its cover
Anne Frank‘s story was always really interesting but also sad to me. How could anybody just hunt and kill people just because they believe in something different?!?
I seriously love your VR videos. Please never stop making them ????
All the money earned with this video goes to the Anne Frank Foundation. This will help them to develop more educational experiences like this one for young people worldwide. For more info check out their website!
The reason there was so many starving people is becouse the allies cut off supply lines u ever ask yourself why theres so many survivors hmmmmm
Funny how IT came out in court that IT was all a lie and IT was written in Ball Point ink pin that wasnt even invinted till after the war her fake book just another lie in the holohoax
Just imagine this was VR Chat
has technology gone too far
I don't think it sounds werid.
That poster is the company's jam advertisement
Also,finally…That #1 Hater of Judaism Menace Is gone!!!
Really Anne Frank is one of those who suffered the worst.
I am shaking by just reading her diary………
I have read about Anne frank!i would like to Have more educational experiences with this game
That lady below anne frank at 4:50 looks like harry potter as a lady lol
I love Anne Frank Movie but i so so sad:(
Very interesting video, but SLOW DOWN. The movement of the camera is way too rapid, doesn't give the viewer time to focus and concentrate on what they are seeing. SLOW DOWN!
Can there be a nazi dlc? I just want to see if I can find her
If they moved to the U.S. this wouldn't have happened. If only they did. This story continues to haunt me on how cruel Hitler is. I'm glad he's dead.
It looks so much like little nightmares. Like the creepy vibes and the color of it looks so much like that game.
Great video. Great job. We must never forget what Anne and all the rest went through. If we don't learn from history then then atrocities will happen again. Hope you do more VR videos.
It’s. Not. Wired. You. Feel. That
love from israel
I played this game. The tracking is extremely bad. It wasn‘t nice to play it. But the concept is very good.
Thanks for doing this
Tour mod
Comunismo ideologia do satanás ! Tudo Culpa da desgraça do Socialismo Comunismo !
Can you buy any cheap virtual reality headsets and use the oculus app? Or does it have to be the oculus headsets?
15:32 what the fu? I have exactly like exactly the same sink.
I wonder who betrayed them? There was not much time left before the war ended
Thanks for sharing. I’ve been to the house a few times, I live in Amsterdam, but this experience was quite different, much more personal. Maybe the furniture adds to it? Sometimes I wish they would reconstruct the furniture in the annex, like once back in the 90’s, but I also know that Otto Frank wanted the rooms left empty as a reminder of the removed furniture after a Jewish round up and the feeling of emptiness of the Jews who would never return.
Good afternoon nathie great video on the Anne Frank House VR experience. I did not even realize that was in your home country of the Netherlands. I agree with you the education would be far more exciting if there were many more educational experiences like this because, walking through the house with her speaking gives more credence to the experience and it makes the student realize impact more than a textbook can. Please show more of these experiences as they come out on your channel.
I did this on the Oculus Go!!!
Hi. Nathie
Maybe the "Banks" shouldn't have been charging 100% plus interest wiping out Germany's economy in the first place and this shit wouldn't have happened at all. lol
Great tour Nathie, felt like I was right there with you and Anne. Hope they can add at least limited roomscale in the future.
Such a great use of VR, especially for so many who can't actually traverse all those stairs.
V.R will change the world
I played this. I found it a little short. And I saw some graphic distorsions too. Otherwise it was interesting
So sad
Bitter than School bro ???
Wow , i met you in WarRock in 2011-12
History lesson that is interactive
frist ilove you
I don't wanna be her.
5:27 WOW!!! That transition looks really cool.??
This is the first time I have seen the Hebrew language in game
Now that is a story that teaches us don’t judge a book by its cover
Anne Frank‘s story was always really interesting but also sad to me. How could anybody just hunt and kill people just because they believe in something different?!?
I seriously love your VR videos. Please never stop making them