Bitcoin Price Technical Analysis 2018 Bitcoin price prediction. Bitcoin price technical analysis Bitcoin Price Trading Technical Analysis. Ripple coin price analysis. Ripple price prediction. Ripple technical analysis. Bitcoin Crash. Bitcoin Bubble Bitcoin price prediction 2018.
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great job thanks very much what a smart move to get out in jan
Thought that all my hope ended when I started trading but I finally knew an entrepreneur Steven Gilbert, so reliable I yielded greatly huge $$$$$ for me. OMG
thank you very much
Any significant move up percentage wise in 2018 – was fueled by an orchestrated short squeeze or Tether/Bitfinex/Bitmex–whale–pump to let BTC look alive and healthy. Without short squeeze or platform owner whale pump = no real move up.
Join the crypto contest @t
Crypto Amd is the bomb. I love your analysis
The best thing that happened to me in 2018 was getting the Right Mentorship on trading Bitcoin against Stocks and Forex.The Big part of my story is that I got my lessons from TIMOTHY SYKES One of the most Successful Stock Traders in the history of Wall Street, he told me not to be scared, He’s down to earth, I never imagined I will ever get in contact with this Great man since when I got to Watch him on the STEVE HARVEY Show. He also told me “You don’t need a Very Big Fancy office and many computers before you can start Trading, all you need is your Laptop and Time.” I have been able to survive the Market Crash Through his Skills and Guidance. Though He charged me after I made profits, but it was worth it because I am able to make up to 4Btc weekly with his assistance. He is Very reliable, honest, consistent and has over 20years of experience in the stock Market,He said he wants to show more people the Secret behind his Great Success, Hence he decided to start “ THE BITCOIN TRADING PROGRAM (TBTP) “ Trading Is the only way out Now, while we wait on the better days ahead of us.
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Thanks…This has been a significant sell off so crypto markey will take time to recover. I could see BTC break 1,000 but road up ain't going to be parabolic like some think.
Great video bro!!! Do you believe in a ETH at 20$?
Oh yea when things are sideways or I have some spare time I like to clean up my charts, adjust channels, drop some supports and resistances etc.
I love to see you upload but I understand you be a life too buddy. Thanks for your knowledge ^^
Thanks so much for all your effort and time.
Nakamoto + wir sind nakamoto!
I thought you said 1300 was the lowest you are willing to buy because it breaks market structure after that?
You sound like an maximalist. Believe me bitcoin is boring without alts. Im in the game since 2011
Even when bitcoin is not moving forward, You can still make so much money despite the current fall in bitcoin .For me,I knew the price will run up more, then bleed off and go lower than current lows… Then as it goes higher, Its more like a time pattern , so i am sure that bitcoin will rise, for now all we need to do is invest what we’re Hodling and make more profit, So we don’t feel the lost in fall of price when it happens again, i stumbled upon a comment of someone who helped in increasing of Portfolio of a lady from having *4BTC to 10BTC in two months, i So i contacted him even though I was skeptical, Behold I have made 3Btc in 1 months with his working strategies, if you have lost so much during fall or want to increase your portfolio like me, Reach him on *Email/hangout tradewithgihan @GMAIL. COM or whatsapp: +1(914)2007306 and thank me later
Thanks AMD for sharing such a valuable info, you are a true legend!!
Thank you AMD for your thoughts and time♦️
lol sounds like youve been getting wrecked
What is your buying price? And selling price?
Mr Donald has made me wealthier than I imagined, I make a minimum profit on every deposit of #3000 I pay to him weekly.
Thank you.
Thank you for excellent analysis, have a good weekend!!! Greetings from Spain
Just love your videos.
Thank you for your time and attention. I appreciate it.
Any chance you could do a DGB video sometime? No rush obviously.
"The shorts, I know they're high…but that doesn't matter." -said every dude in the 70s
Hey man no need apoligize youre gave a Lot help to this comunity and we appreciate that.
Can’t stand your voice.