Brian Kelly of Brian Kelly Capital discusses bitcoin falling below $4,000 and what it could mean for the cryptocurrency.
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Fake news
This dude started pumping BTC and other Alts at their all time highs. He’s a joke
This pussssssface must have bet the farm on BTC, she is all poutyface now????????
So in china they locked up everyones bitcoin for 11 months
Last month they got them unlocked and they sold.
At least a stock that loses %90 of its value can still pay a dividend
Blockchain = amazing
Bitcoin = bad version of a beanie baby
Great time to buy bitcoin
Like recommending to your clients to have some of your portfolio in pinkslip stocks. Has no one ever watched wolf of wallstreet?
The white paper states bitcoin is suppose to be a purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash which would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution. They want us to invest our hard earned money into a coin that drops from $20k to $3700 in less then a year, all while we wait for financial institutions to complete a lightning network so that we can get instant and low fee transactions using the financial institutions payment hubs to send our decentralized peer to peer electronic cash?!? Don't get fooled. Craig is Wright.
Marshall Law declared Ukraine 2018!
Reykjavik Icelandic Bank crash 2008!
Greek banking crisis 2015, Cyprus Government Bank Fiat confiscation 2013, USA/UK/EU banking crises 2008, USA Gold confiscation 1933 – These are events that 'traders' sometimes forget. Best to diversify away from government and fractional reserve banking system into decentralised crypto such as Litecoin or Bitcoin to spread risk as well as secure your assets. – Bitcoin mining reward 'halving' 2020! Litecoin Mining reward 'halving' 2019!
Bitcoin going to moon, downwards
Whenever it happens the next crypto bull run will be epic.
When it was bullish CNBC was shouting fake now suddenly it's an asset class
The ? are manipulating the market as institutions are getting into Crypto on a huge scale, plus those two Tw@ts Craig Wright and Roger Ver are causing it to drop. Give it a month or two and it'll be bully although XRP#1 soon.
Why not just buy Nvidia stock?
TurdCoin and Crapcoin are also good choices to invest in.
He was talking… While dumping bitcoin behind the scenes …
love the negative comments! This time last year same thing. I read the negative comments and I knew it was time to buy bitcoin. Sold at 20k Its like Deja Vu. The Emotional idiots make me in the 1 percent
I think it will drop to zero
I don't think it's worth that
Bitcoin is a speculative Asset Class IMO
Bitcoin is Dead
She is always worried! I am guessing she might have borrowed all her money in to it
Bitcoin has hardly any support levels besides MAYBE the mining costs. Ive always said it was a bubble and it looks like its bout to pop
Of course he says this lol,
It’s the only way the price will go back up if they can get people to invest. Typical Ponzi
If bitcoin can crash down from $1200 to $150 in 2014 it can definitely get down too $2K-$1K range for sure?
Tokenazation LMFAO. What kind of drugs is this guy snorting. Wipe off the drugs off your nose Brian
I think it’s funny how viewers actually listen to these knuckleheads views. None of these people on CNBC are taken seriously. They’re the laughing stock or the financial market.
For the long term, it's possible that Bitcoin will be a good investment, since 21 million people are said to have a bitcoin account. Can't be sure if this is true and I know I don't. But the problem with guests like this guy is that they seem to never answer the most relevant questions. When asked near the end of the video how an investor actually buys bitcoin or invests in it; he says every investor should have a small amount in it; like 1%; but he never answers the question as to how an investor actually invests in bitcoin.
Been saying it for years, bitcoin is worthless don't buy it
So now he tells us this is the most risky thing you can do with your money and this is volatile. Why didn’t this jerk tell us this 12 months ago?
If you're not buying into crypto you're an idiot. Sry, but all these standard stock buyers acting as if there's no merit in crypto needs to do their research. The real world case of Venezuela shows the value of crypto. The nine mining cryptos can not be manipulated like fiat currency. Do you research. Theres a reason wallstreet is getting into crypto. Theres a reason nations are getting into crypto. Buying Amazon seemed like a stupid buy at one point.
No thanks. I want my portfolio crap free!
Bitcoin will ride your azz straight off a cliff.
Bitcoin will skyrocket again!
This douchbag hate bk