Supercars on the streets – Back again with a compilation video, this time for the Bugatti Chiron, since the launch I managed to see 18 of them so far, hopefully a lot more to come in the future!
Enjoy the video!
Bugatti Chiron
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Intro/outro song by : https://soundcloud.com/brosafari/bro-safari-the-drop
♫Music By♫
●Joakim Karud – Lowrider
●Song/Free Download – https://youtu.be/Fx5u6WwarHo
●Support Joakim Karud – http://smarturl.it/joakimkarud
7:23 best color
The last time I checked Chiron was $3 Million
beautifull beast?
Sick video man!?
The first BUGATTI CHIRON owner don't care
He has a 6 million$ car and a long plate number
I just want to see one in real
I'm last
First, second, third,………………………last???
I wish ?
i haven't seen one before damn it
45million ??
#RoadTo100K ❤
I saw during 2 days whole model range of modern Bugattis:EB 110,Veyron,Chiron
can u make a video recording normal cars on the street to trigger people
I have only the hope to see one in my life you saw 18 :v
this guy inspired us to make YouTube videos. Show your support guys.
I love your vids 😀
Love the Chiron!
Who Gone all BUG EYED watching all these Bugatti beauties man? DAMN!!
sweet for years
I love all the cars
Not first, nor second, nor third, nor fourth … ?
premiere reminder in my subscription video feed = Thumb DOWN
congratulation ^_______^