Great stream as always. 0xc509439C9c1dDf3940326a4888a85FcD41138B07
Great chat guys. Luved it! 0x3e495361E2a53E84B8C8d70b368c4200e621Da17
Nice bunch of people and a great talk. Would love to see your discussion on privacy coins next time Suggestions : Enigma, DeepOnion (Both doing right things at the moment) Also some thoughts on IOT related coins like ITC, IOTex, IOTC
Great Vid! keep it up with all of these different Utubers. 0xd91d003fA42B98458B7e8B117647C61810007679
i love it. this live stream with other crypto expert
Not Ketamin! 0x06b94537bf3ac7258e4d78c940d777d282b9161b
Good fun 0xCa21195029C3E63f01e789Ed86A776B3EeDC85f2
Good stuff 0x159D6cb8cD42DF8cA995040eFf7def9C702d02FD
market is bleeding hard 0x3b5fB783A77C8CF70e6b4D33F83dF397121EbE37
Keith that was osome. I wanna more! Best for all !!!
We dropped from a crazy all time high and a lot of new comers got burnt. I feel like it could be a couple of years before a recovery starts happening. 0x53c7c354118dC5CC57947BB149C3dB8a11cC13aF
Gotta see that beetle sofa in action mate! 0xcAfd12e5FF8B24141C666F60A9f7435EF4AE8C47
Great stream 0x62f7Ab42929aEAFCC66ceeFD61244DF0f0f79A78
Just a thought, I want to see ico team photos with each team member holding a piece of paper with the date and role hand written on it. Or even better with a short video stating their name and role. Enough of this linkedin photo shit which can be faked. It would go a long way for trust. 0x5C4e7aF046015A1c0a0B51DBE009Fa615CF47c06
Fuking game show. Who the fuck you going to be? Keith Lemon the Cunt. Lol pmsl. Ordering boxes of popcorn as I type. 0x841122FD303a74f1003EceaEdDE6676B01D01E2D
This MOFO CHAIN comment compition still in play? If so pick a winner!!! 0x841122FD303a74f1003EceaEdDE6676B01D01E2D
GREAT STUFF 0x3F222cdb8E6341ed1BCAE237e03903dD6A9A1cD1
Was good to watch, different, cheers geezer 0x32A2c17c36c6a4a4974FA0CBAE25D86e59c88203
Nice stream Keith. Having a shopping spree for coins at the current prices!
Great stream as always. 0xc509439C9c1dDf3940326a4888a85FcD41138B07
Great chat guys. Luved it! 0x3e495361E2a53E84B8C8d70b368c4200e621Da17
Nice bunch of people and a great talk.
Would love to see your discussion on privacy coins next time
Suggestions : Enigma, DeepOnion (Both doing right things at the moment)
Also some thoughts on IOT related coins like ITC, IOTex, IOTC
Great Vid! keep it up with all of these different Utubers.
i love it. this live stream with other crypto expert
Not Ketamin! 0x06b94537bf3ac7258e4d78c940d777d282b9161b
Good fun 0xCa21195029C3E63f01e789Ed86A776B3EeDC85f2
Good stuff
Thx Keith!
market is bleeding hard 0x3b5fB783A77C8CF70e6b4D33F83dF397121EbE37
Keith that was osome.
I wanna more!
Best for all !!!
We dropped from a crazy all time high and a lot of new comers got burnt. I feel like it could be a couple of years before a recovery starts happening. 0x53c7c354118dC5CC57947BB149C3dB8a11cC13aF
Gotta see that beetle sofa in action mate! 0xcAfd12e5FF8B24141C666F60A9f7435EF4AE8C47
Great stream
Just a thought, I want to see ico team photos with each team member holding a piece of paper with the date and role hand written on it. Or even better with a short video stating their name and role. Enough of this linkedin photo shit which can be faked. It would go a long way for trust.
Fuking game show. Who the fuck you going to be? Keith Lemon the Cunt. Lol pmsl. Ordering boxes of popcorn as I type.
This MOFO CHAIN comment compition still in play? If so pick a winner!!!
GREAT STUFF 0x3F222cdb8E6341ed1BCAE237e03903dD6A9A1cD1
Was good to watch, different, cheers geezer 0x32A2c17c36c6a4a4974FA0CBAE25D86e59c88203
Nice stream Keith. Having a shopping spree for coins at the current prices!
$17 Neo? Jezus