My website: https://cryptotradingvlog.com/
TRON,XRP,XLM and how best to make $1 million in Crypto
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Free Bit Coin: https://freebitco.in/?r=10980540
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Free XRP: https://coinfaucet.io/?ref=428670
Free Cardano: https://freecardano.com/?ref=70437
Free Tron: http://crazytron.net/?ref=Archbob
Free Bitcoin: Link: http://crazybitcoin.net/?ref=Archbob
Free Doge: http://crazydoge.net/?ref=Archbob
Free litecoin: https://crazylite.net/?ref=Archbob
Exchanges I use and trust:
Coinbase/Coinbase pro: https://www.coinbase.com/join/5a1dccf1861324011170da77
If you want to leave me a tip, here are the addresses, Dogecoin is preferred, I don’t give refunds, so please enter the right amount:
Free Bitcoins!
Free Bit Coin: https://freebitco.in/?r=10980540
Free Dogecoin: http://freedoge.co.in/?r=1539538
Free XRP: https://coinfaucet.io/?ref=428670
Free Cardano: https://freecardano.com/?ref=70437
Free Tron: http://crazytron.net/?ref=Archbob
Free Bitcoin: Link: http://crazybitcoin.net/?ref=Archbob
Free Doge: http://crazydoge.net/?ref=Archbob
Free litecoin: https://crazylite.net/?ref=Archbob
Exchanges I use and trust:
Coinbase/Coinbase pro: https://www.coinbase.com/join/5a1dccf1861324011170da77
If you want to leave me a tip, here are the addresses, Dogecoin is preferred, I don’t give refunds, so please enter the right amount:
Doge: DDvsYXw2vtBaTRd9G8JyZekmJ9LFvjGjhc
TRON: TX4JztzDyDPDqrNciDfTwa6NZqCca1HY56
Litecoin: Lcab1UZcPSXxjH8PfyzoGt8JTFSBfkMxM1
Bitcoin: 16BKWthynKYcawY8ivatbY6qg58nBQQ56a
Ethereum: 0xc49c42e1aEd6F645d67DA4eA512b69C31f7d477
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It is hard trying to catch all these peaks, not to mention how do you know it is at it's peak, also the fees involved in selling and buying between coins, then determine how much taxes you pay on your gains. At the end of the day how much net profit do you have?
Have you checked out PMA Puma Pay just launched 8/18/18 must be strong. 7 for a penny with the 1st mover advantage, it's supposed to be the paypal of crypto. I'm taking the chance for a wild ride I know most probably warn against this. It's on 6 exchanges already. I say No Guts no Glory..
Electroneum, keep an eye on it!
Why you need to swap one for another. Buy xrp, xlm and trx and wait. No need to change one for another! One of them will win. Or all!
If you switch one for another with time you will lose because msny of us are not a Pro
Hello. Thank you for the good advice as always very informative. I think what you say is easier said than done, hindsight is 20/20 it's hard to call those peaks as they come at you in live time, I do agree diversifying is a good idea so is rolling it into next peak but it's not so easy.
Great lesson. Thanks for your guidance.Really appreciate it. We learn things.
Just like to ask about how other posts indicating that us retailers(small fish) will be demolished (we won't have a fighting chance)by the big institutions with their manipulations.
Because they will dominate and have power and control over the cryptos. It doesn't seem positive. But I'm thinking …why are most crytos following the the bitcoin trend.
Great stuff. Especially for those like myself who weren't in crypto during the last bull run. Do you recommend leaving some amount of coin in case you jumped the gun far from the peak? Also, do think a small amount of Bitcoin should be part of that diversification?
If Ripple sells out the 1B xrp can use this month from their escrow, and a other institute would like to buy 500M xrp more this month, do you think this can make an impact on the supply and demand? If so can this boost the price on XRP?
Why wouldn't XRP jump exponentially in price if the value need to be at a certain level to settle payments? I can't really see it go to $1, then $1.30, $1.80 and match it's way on up. It needs to be valued higher for the system to go.
10k xrp and 100k tron will make a million bucks in 3 to 5 years IMHO.
just found out that Facebooks is letting Lite iAm(LITECOIN) to be used on there messenger app.!
thank you very much man
Just buy 1 million dogecoin. If dogecoin reach 1 dollars per coins
What do u think about GVT coin?
That's how I have been gaining more satoshi by trading better now
Electroneum will be HUGE!! Mass adoption is coming. Keep an eye on it.. its inevitable. Cheers for the video
i think we are in bullrun !!! in this week start all coin green
Man Apple fucked up today
Love the Lichtenstein referral bro lol. Hope to see you there
Just saw Thinking Crypto video regarding Jubiter wallet. Check it out it looks really good and I am going to try it.
Awesome great explanation!