Virtual reality is no doubt an interesting new technology that allows a gamer to immerse herself/himself in the game and take lifelike control. Virtuix intends to …
Honestly looks a bit awkward, too much friction at the feet and looks like your elbows are constantly trying to avoid the rig itself. Although to be fair the latter should be an easy adjustment to fix. Not sure about the friction though
you need a oculus? can you play without one
NerveGear is wayyy better.
Think I'll just go with the VR Headset and a controller like on .hack//
combine it all for sao
This reminds me of SAO
Sword Art Online??
Whats's the song in the intro? it's the same one hardware canucks uses and I have been searching for it for months
The Cyberith Virtualizer seems to have a lot more going for it as of late.
Bit unprofessional to use the term "Spastic" like that. Inappropriate.
SharkTank gets you far
Congrats on 100,000!
Quinn, you most likely are not reading this, but if you are… I am also a Mormon and I read your Why I Am A Mormon page and it touched me! We both know that this is the true church and The Book Of Mormon is true! I will become a missionary in 6 years, if you are still in Salt Lake City, I would hope we meet up if that is where I get placed on my mission!
Nah im not feeling the omni still looks unnatural and uncomfotable
No way that the KOSS are better headphones than the AT-M50's for an under $200 price range. This is why it's a bad idea to introduce advertising to your videos. Why do you think MKBHD has 2 mil+ subscribers?
Now gamers won't be fat anymore
Well, this is one of the few things that reality and virtually reality have in common: I'd rather stay seated. Obviously it's cheaper sitting down, too. :/
These guys were on shark tank
FINALLY the lawnmover man techs are coming to life!!! Every fat fps gamers needs this!!!! and just imagine playing gears of war with cover on that tech! AWESOME!!!
Glad to see you found your tie.
I watched your channel since you made a top 5 games for iphone 3g video.
Did you really mean all those things you said in the promo?
I spent the money the second the Omni launched on Kickstarter and played earlier models and even in early models it's worth the money!
nice video and congrats on the 100k
We've known about the Omni for awhile, but it's awesome to year that it's going to finally be available this year!
Some SAO shit coming soon
vader: luuk I'm ur fadder
luuk skeiwalkr: m'kay lad
liek if u cri evrytim
Wow 100k I remember when you had 25 to 35k man you have come far keep up the great work.
Honestly looks a bit awkward, too much friction at the feet and looks like your elbows are constantly trying to avoid the rig itself. Although to be fair the latter should be an easy adjustment to fix. Not sure about the friction though
you need a oculus? can you play without one
NerveGear is wayyy better.
Think I'll just go with the VR Headset and a controller like on .hack//
combine it all for sao
This reminds me of SAO
Sword Art Online??
Whats's the song in the intro? it's the same one hardware canucks uses and I have been searching for it for months
This plus control vr plus oculus rift.
The Cyberith Virtualizer seems to have a lot more going for it as of late.
Bit unprofessional to use the term "Spastic" like that. Inappropriate.
SharkTank gets you far
Congrats on 100,000!
Quinn, you most likely are not reading this, but if you are… I am also a Mormon and I read your Why I Am A Mormon page and it touched me! We both know that this is the true church and The Book Of Mormon is true! I will become a missionary in 6 years, if you are still in Salt Lake City, I would hope we meet up if that is where I get placed on my mission!
Nah im not feeling the omni still looks unnatural and uncomfotable
No way that the KOSS are better headphones than the AT-M50's for an under $200 price range. This is why it's a bad idea to introduce advertising to your videos. Why do you think MKBHD has 2 mil+ subscribers?
Now gamers won't be fat anymore
Well, this is one of the few things that reality and virtually reality have in common: I'd rather stay seated.
Obviously it's cheaper sitting down, too. :/
These guys were on shark tank
FINALLY the lawnmover man techs are coming to life!!! Every fat fps gamers needs this!!!! and just imagine playing gears of war with cover on that tech! AWESOME!!!
Glad to see you found your tie.
I watched your channel since you made a top 5 games for iphone 3g video.
Did you really mean all those things you said in the promo?
I spent the money the second the Omni launched on Kickstarter and played earlier models and even in early models it's worth the money!
nice video and congrats on the 100k
We've known about the Omni for awhile, but it's awesome to year that it's going to finally be available this year!
Some SAO shit coming soon
vader: luuk I'm ur fadder
luuk skeiwalkr: m'kay lad
liek if u cri evrytim
Wow 100k I remember when you had 25 to 35k man you have come far keep up the great work.