Romance options in ac …. hmmm I believe there’s a thing called a story so in point very quickly here it can’t happen as the precursors chose a certain path and that path has to be perfect and not altered meaning we shouldn’t have choices and if it feels like we do have a choice that should still feel fully restricted orrr does no one care about the lore and how having choices makes no since at all in any way
I won’t buy is game
So trying to get straight people on board not happening we are straight not queer
The fact that this is a video and that we're watching this is just…?
How you call these Romances ? nothing happens. screen goes dark, nothing.
Worst RPG game in history
Q innovador,que genial,que…..ah no,para se copiaron de the witcher….?
Sounds more like tickling than anything else
There's too much lesbians in this news games
STOP This isn' trand
I wonder (((who))) is behind that thumbnail
If you disliked this video you're just sad
Wtf is some one at Ubisoft from the lgbt alliance lol what’s next romancing animals?
Romance in this game is pointless when u sleep with them u can’t really talk to them or see them ever again. Wish u could find them in the world and talk to them and do some more romance. Only romance u get to see forever is Odessa since u can get her to join ur crew. But u can’t really talk to her.
grabs popcorn and enjoys watching the two sides neither have a life fighting over fictional characters
IGN keeps making the PC, anti-Christian conservative videos. I'm 'bout fed up
These kissing scenes need work.
Why the downvotes? It's freaking lesbos. Me love some lebo action =DDDDD Yuri on Greece
IGN is the the nerdy buzzfeed
As a straight male, I want to apologize to the LGBT community for our attitudes towards y’all. It’s disgusting and disrespectful, something I don’t want to experience growing up.
This is probably all of the romances
إستخدام الألعاب لنشر الرذيلة أمر حقاً مؤسف جداً جداً جداً ? [Tr] Using games to spread filthy is really very, very, very unfortunate ?
But Witcher 3 has uncensored romance this one looks censored what the hell ign
Keep this b***** out of our games
استعمال الألعاب لنشر الرذيلة أمر حقاً مؤسف جداً جداً جداً ?
I wanted to see the last guy getting railed witcher style by Alexio
lmao i tried to get all of them, i failleddddd
don't read the comments, they're nasty
Romance options in ac …. hmmm I believe there’s a thing called a story so in point very quickly here it can’t happen as the precursors chose a certain path and that path has to be perfect and not altered meaning we shouldn’t have choices and if it feels like we do have a choice that should still feel fully restricted orrr does no one care about the lore and how having choices makes no since at all in any way
I won’t buy is game
So trying to get straight people on board not happening we are straight not queer
The fact that this is a video and that we're watching this is just…?
How you call these Romances ? nothing happens. screen goes dark, nothing.
Worst RPG game in history
Q innovador,que genial,que…..ah no,para se copiaron de the witcher….?
Sounds more like tickling than anything else
There's too much lesbians in this news games
STOP This isn' trand
I wonder (((who))) is behind that thumbnail
If you disliked this video you're just sad
Wtf is some one at Ubisoft from the lgbt alliance lol what’s next romancing animals?
Romance in this game is pointless when u sleep with them u can’t really talk to them or see them ever again. Wish u could find them in the world and talk to them and do some more romance. Only romance u get to see forever is Odessa since u can get her to join ur crew. But u can’t really talk to her.
grabs popcorn and enjoys watching the two sides neither have a life fighting over fictional characters
IGN keeps making the PC, anti-Christian conservative videos. I'm 'bout fed up
These kissing scenes need work.
Why the downvotes? It's freaking lesbos. Me love some lebo action =DDDDD Yuri on Greece
IGN is the the nerdy buzzfeed
As a straight male, I want to apologize to the LGBT community for our attitudes towards y’all. It’s disgusting and disrespectful, something I don’t want to experience growing up.
This is probably all of the romances
إستخدام الألعاب لنشر الرذيلة أمر حقاً مؤسف جداً جداً جداً ?
Using games to spread filthy is really very, very, very unfortunate ?
But Witcher 3 has uncensored romance this one looks censored what the hell ign
Keep this b***** out of our games
استعمال الألعاب لنشر الرذيلة أمر حقاً مؤسف جداً جداً جداً ?
I wanted to see the last guy getting railed witcher style by Alexio