Monaco might be one of the world’s greatest supercar capitals in the world, but with the Top Marques Monaco event, tons and tons of supercars and other sorts of look-at-me machines have rushed onto the tight streets of Monaco. This year, the Police was stopping almost every car. In this video you can see many cars are busted by the police. A €300 ($340) fine won’t probably stop supercars owners from enjoying themselves..
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More Police vs Supercars videos:
Lamborghini Aventador gets busted by Police: https://youtu.be/s2tY8az7po0
Lamborghini Aventador gets busted by Police part 2: https://youtu.be/wwaYPg33Ahw
RENNtech E55 gets fine in Monaco: https://youtu.be/XxE9gLvp35U
Police Stops Noisy Lamborghini Gallardo Blancpain Super Trofeo: https://youtu.be/4ZO0W8U5lEE
Police stops Gumballers: https://youtu.be/d6XOC0sBGxM
Lambo just have fun,what noise?That's music for normal people.Give me a break….. (have kit kat)
9min55 worldsupercars mdr
Понабирают спортивных авто и катают от светофора к светофору. Езжай себе на трек или автобан и там наваливай. Хочешь понтов – возьми солидное авто и удивляй остальных. А гудеть мотором – это не понты, а тупизна.
Is that Shmee150 at 7:29?
Hear the v12 Aventador even before it turns the corner
that lp 670 sound makes me jizz everytime
2:00 русские везде
Stupid rich people And super card. Let others sleep !
N’éditer pas à vous abonné à ma chaîne
1:58 Нива еще и с Российскими номерами)))
0:39 – polish Mercedes ( kto jeszcze z Polski )
Lovely place, just been 5 weeks ago but man, so frickin' boring unless you're in crutches
Türkler heryerde 2:13 nasıl geçicez karşıya
9:54 je world supercars
How'd shmee get pulled over? He drives his car like a Peugeot
this fucked your girls
The sound pllution is horrible out there, for the peoples who live evryday in an appartment just around, trust me…. thats annoying even with sound wall reductor and best windows
i hate fucking police
Je dis à la police de Monaco de ne plus pleurer de ce terroriste dans cette piscine olympique. J'ai mis 7 longues années à me refaire la peau et çà va mieux. J'ai envoyé des messages à la police étrangère pour envoyer une balle dans la gueule au Mohammed Dody Al Fayed, il se fera tuer s'il revient.
Savage at 8:21 to 8:30
Best video kkk, i love that so much ??
Noway my dad was in the nr 2 lambo like if you like it